
This is a great example of my complaint with a lot of modern animation. There’s a trend now to make photo-realistic backgrounds but keep the simplified and exaggerated character models of older animation. Look at the difference between the original Frozen and Frozen II, for example. In the first, Elsa and Anna fit

That’s not true, unfortunately. The best estimates right now are that COVID-19 is 10-20 times more deadly than the common flu.

Is this how getting out of the grey is supposed to work?? Because “personally request it from a staff member, via a public chain of several comments” doesn’t scale AT ALL.

“ I suspect that those who do have more than a passing understanding of the concepts presented will find it more enjoyable.”

It’s not a very flattering picture. The haircut isn’t helping either.

I know you’re joking, but I think “To All The Boys I Love Now” would be a pretty fitting title for this film given she’s caught between her feelings for two guys. And “To All The Boys I Will Love In The Future” would be kind of a touching title for the last one, if they went with a La-La-Land style ending where they

I have a pet theory that a poor title can sink a film, and this film seems to be bearing that out. Even after I’d seen the trailer, I saw the title “The Rhythm Section” on my theater’s list of showtimes and thought “What’s that? Must be some Oscar bait that got zero buzz.”

If my math is right, she published her first novel at age 41. It’s nice to remember sometimes that you don’t always need to have your career all figured out in your 20s.

The Venom film had a great hook - idealistic fuckup and super-strong amoral alien end up sharing a body, need to learn to work together. Can he stop the alien from murdering people and still use its power to accomplish good?

Also it’s frustrating how many critics I’ve seen complain that the main characters don’t have enough depth. There’s tons of character development if you’re paying attention:

For me, Kylo getting “redeemed” felt inevitable from the first film, so it’s interesting that this script made that a theme but kept him evil.

No, of course not. That’s just as simplistic as the original take I was criticizing. I’m just saying it’s not the kind of film where you’re rooting for the heroic Good Guys to defeat the evil Bad Guys

There’s a reason the movies that come out in January are usually terrible, it’s not just people making assumptions or seeing patterns in nothing. If a movie’s good, there’s a strong incentive for the studio to get it out in December. For “highbrow” films, you want to make sure it’s eligible for the Oscars. And for

The description for Parasite implies a very different reading than what I took away from the film. I don’t think it’s so straightforward who is the exploiter and who is the exploited in that film. It’s called “Parasite” after all...

It’s not really a question of statistics- intellectually, I understood that the risk is very small. But your gut feelings aren’t controlled by intellect. I had the same experience as mwatson2, my fear of flying significantly improved after I worked near an airport and got to see firsthand the constant

He’s a centrist, without being a big DNC insider. He appeals to people that find Sanders/Warren too socialist, but don’t want Hilary 2.0 either. 

The food system is fine. Something like a hundred million people ate salad in the last week, and ~100 of them got sick. That’s quite literally a one-in-a-million chance. 

One of the problems with adding data from Spotify to the billboard charts is that there isn’t an easy way to distinguish “listening to my favorite song” from “putting something boring on while i work/study” from “i’m literally asleep right now.”

The successful ones have all had big name casting choices, which made me realize that it’s best to think of it like going to see your favorite play with a new cast. The sell isn’t so much “go watch Aladdin but in live-action”, its “go watch Aladdin but the Genie is Will Smith” or “go watch Lion King but Nala is

It looks good for what it is, but what it is makes me sad. It has none of the things I loved about the original, and throwing in random references via dialogue and soundtrack only makes it worse.