
I think pants have gotten tighter, so it’s harder to pull off just the pants now. But I’m also pretty sure pantsing isn’t really a thing anymore...

Probably the closest thing I’ve seen to Rey’s bread in real life is karumeyaki, a Japanese dessert where you add baking soda to boiling brown sugar and it puffs up to look like bread. I think the end result is crunchy rather than soft, but visually the effect is quite similar. 

I don’t understand how two movies with this premise got made, because who is supposed to be the target audience?? It’s a mix between a cheesy female empowerment narrative and a violent gritty mob movie. Who watches Hidden Figures and thinks “this needs more murder”? or who watches The Departed and thinks “this needs

Yeah The Social Network is a great work of fiction, but as a work of non-fiction it pisses me off. Clearly the real Zuckerberg had no issues with dating, by all accounts he’s happily married to a super hot doctor. So the film has to go and basically erase all the real-life women around him to try and make its point.

Can Idris Elba sing and/or dance? I’m not a fan of the trend of hiring non-singers for movie musicals, but Cats has to be the worst possible property to give that treatment. It’s barely a play, just a showcase for music and dance. 

Is that.... Taco Bell Man???

It used to annoy me how these videos filled up my facebook feed, but then I realized... my feed is full of them because I watch them through, every time. They’re just so shitty and weird, I kind of love them.

It’s not quite as ironic, but my last 2 jobs have been working on software to make driving safer and more pleasant. I don’t own a car or drive regularly, and neither do most of my coworkers (the offices are downtown and do not provide parking).

Even aside from the lack of songs and sidekicks, they’re changing a lot - that’s not the Mulan from the animated movie. The animated Mulan was fully on board with going to a matchmaker, she would have been overjoyed if she had made a good match. The only reason didn’t was because she was bad at acting “properly” - she

According to an essay he wrote back in 2016, he did a film in 2006 where they shot in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran all within 6 months, and thanks in part to those stamps on his passport he gets detained at the border all the time.

Yeah I thought it was a nice symbolic gesture to have captain america endorsing a gay relationship - a decade ago that would have been really controversial.

Some of this is just getting older. But you’re not imagining things, pop music really has gotten very bland recently. When was the last big ubiquitous earworm? Despacito??

Are “nothing on you” and “feels” covers? Or does he just not care that those were both titles of massive hit songs in the last decade?

I’m not sure they were ahead of their time so much as very, very of their time.

That’s exactly the problem, actually - chicken is really easy to cook. So it’s a huge waste to order chicken at a restaurant, because it’s not going to taste significantly better than the chicken you make at home.

I think that’s supposed to refer to discriminating against satanist’s “actual religious beliefs”. Which I find a little questionable - if you form a religion around the literal embodiment of evil from another religion, is it really discrimination when people assume that you’re evil? 

It doesn’t sound like UMG is actually denying the loss of the masters. They talk about how “the availability of the commercially released music” was unaffected, and that “master-quality, high-resolution, audiophile versions” still exist. That’s just saying that good quality copies exist of the actual finished albums.

Oh, that’s a really interesting idea.

The problem with buying a scooter (which I can confirm, because I own one), is that it doesn’t disappear once you’ve arrived at your destination. If I want to take my scooter to the grocery store, I either need to leave it on the sidewalk to get stolen or take it into the store with me and carry it around.

Poor Hawkeye, just totally forgotten.