
You know, there’s a part of me that’s kind of bummed out that he’s becoming more open about being gay. The level of ambiguity and plausible deniability he maintained for so long was really impressive.

The movie is set in the 90s, so I think the reviewer just doesn’t know what twerking means.

It just occurred to me now, for the first time in my life, that the title “King of Queens” is referring to Queens, NY. Of course!

Yeah I’m not convinced this list would look all that different if it was just “10 fantasy writers to read after Game of Thrones.” Certainly Robin Hobb and NK Jemisin would still be in the top 3.

Yeah I don’t think there’s any reasonable definition of “processed” that counts oatmeal as unprocessed and french fries as ultra-processed. Oatmeal is dehusked, heated, cooled, milled, steamed, rolled, and then finally cooked in water. Fries are potatoes cut up, dried, frozen, and fried in oil. If anything the fries

If they’re really wanting to test a diet with more/less processed foods, they should be doing stuff like “pancakes made with unbleached flour vs pancakes made with bleached flour” or “scrambled eggs from whole eggs vs scrambled eggs from a carton of liquid eggs. Otherwise you’ve got waaayy too many variables to draw

That’s funny, it’s the opposite for me. The first book is always a bore, but once I’ve fallen in love with the characters and the plot fully kicks in the next two breeze by.

Start with either the Farseer Trilogy or Liveship Traders, depending on your preference for animal sidekicks vs pirates.

From there, read the other one, and then continue the Realm of the Elderlings books in order.

Here’s a recommendation I never hear, but if you want something that feels like ASOIAF, it’s the best I know:

Women are statistically more likely to be pro-life than men are, so I’d imagine it’s a very small percentage. 

Given the Hulk we saw in Ragnarok, I thought this was a fitting end to his arc. But I still feel like Ragnarok-Hulk is a retcon.

The problem with these kind of biopics is that they always seem to be constructed around a bland “genius” stock character. Then the plot just things happening to that character, in the vague shape of the actual events from the real persons life.

Haha you’re right. But you get what I mean - he flips Thanos the bird, and then that becomes the snap. 

He should have snapped with his middle finger, that would have been a proper Tony Stark thing to do.

The grade is a B- but this review reads like it has no redeeming features at all. The author-insert main character, the improbably over the top infidelity, “essay points with legs” - it sounds like a parody of pretentious lit-fiction.

It’s just a throwaway character, but I feel like there’s some symbolic weight to the fact that Captain America himself gives explicit approval of the relationship.

Yeah I appreciated how getting his mojo back didn’t change his body, he’s just badass *and* fat at the end. It made up a bit for going over the top with the jokes earlier in the film. And he did look awesomely Viking.

I think that’s why they have Hulk mention that he tried to bring her back, to make it clear that it’s not easy to do more than one thing with the snap.

I think they did what they did to Thor because they want to keep using him in later films. He’s the only one of the OG avengers whose story arc doesn’t really wrap up. Instead he hits a new low, which resets his character a bit and gives him somewhere to grow from again.  

I suspect that they played up her role as an intentional red herring (and to build hype for her solo film, of course). A lot of fan theories about how the film would play out centered around her, and then it turns out they use her as a misdirect in the first 15 min of the movie and that’s it.