
Getting the look would be hard - somehow CGI feels wrong to me, too slick and plastic-y. Ideally I’d love to see something like what they did in Where the Wild Things Are - physical costumes / puppets with CG animated facial expressions. 

On the other hand, I’m happy when these reviews spoil the film - my favorite thing on AVClub is reading all about obscure films I’ll never watch. It’s so dissatisfying when the review is handicapped by not being able to talk about the film in full.

For me, carpool karaoke can be pretty fun, but it needs to be somewhat believable as just folks hanging out in a car singing songs. If it seems staged, or if the guest isn’t relaxed, it reeeaaally doesn’t work. 

. “Oh, to be a white man who doesn’t even know he’s full of crap,”

I think the narrator is God. “I am the Kanye West Kanye West thinks he is”. It fits!

It seems really obvious to me that they’re pitching this movie to teens and tweens. Horror is big with teens right now, especially goofy horror like IT and The Nun. Look at that top image of Venom with that weird smile - they’re definitely going for the creepy clown look.

Whenever I hear about extreme sport daredevils getting killed, there’s always a note at the bottom about how they’re leaving behind a girlfriend and young kids. I think there’s something in their “live in the moment” mentality that makes them want kids despite it obviously being a bad idea.

I like to put cooked Kabocha or Butternut squash in it, and let it dissolve into the sauce. Makes it taste a bit sweeter, and I can tell myself that it’s healthy for me. 

I’m not sure it’s fair to call this a flop yet. This is exactly the kind of film that people will prefer to stream at home rather than watch in theaters. I’m sure netflix and other streaming platforms will give them a nice payout for the rights, and how it does there will be the true measure of how successful it is.

I’m sympathetic to the argument that Katee Sackhoff lacks the chops for it. But I wanted someone *like* Katee Sackhoff. Brie Larson is still coming across more “girl next door” than “hotshot pilot” to me. 

It’s also why Dr Strange didn’t take place in Tibet!

I feel like any book that has fans enough to get on the list is probably doing *something* right, even if it’s not good quality overall.

I actually kind of liked what she did with Malfoy. These being fantasy novels Harry faces off against a lot of Pure Evil, and so it’s tempting to throw Malfoy in with that lot (Harry does it himself in the earlier books), but Malfoy’s not Evil, he’s just kind of a shitty person. It’s an important part of growing up to

Just a PSA here: Big splashy public proposals are for relationships where you know 100% she’ll say yes, because she’s been “hinting” for years and you’ve been dragging your feet. If there’s even a sliver of doubt in your mind about how she’ll react, DON’T DO IT. Plan something private and intimate.

I agree - Age of Ultron isn’t perfect, but it’s the pacing that really does it in. The original gives scenes some time to breathe, and you need that for anything to feel impactful. They probably weren’t wrong to try and keep the runtime short, but it would have been better to accomplish that by trimming subplots,

Yeah I think they course-corrected after the first few seasons, which makes the initial hate for the show seem strange to people who are more familiar with later seasons. The starting premise was pretty bad. 

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Seinfeld finale, so perhaps it’s just badly executed. But the hate for it has always seemed kind of strange. It’s a perfectly good premise for a finale - an excuse to bring back old side characters, and there’s some nice dark humor in the main cast finally facing some consequences for

I think we’re still learning as a society how best to handle wildfires. We can’t get rid of them entirely, because they’re a natural part of the ecosystem in California. Native species evolved to expect periodic fires - ending them would, for example, likely drive giant sequoias extinct. But they’re a threat to people

The part that’s so bizarre to me is... the idea that white women might get a “pass” for racism is the kind of thing that only makes sense from the perspective of modern identity politics. This whole worldview that you can group people into “privileged = bad” and “marginalized = good” and that being marginalized means

The genius of McDonalds is that every time, in every location, it tastes exactly the same. Not only that, but it tastes exactly the same as it did 20+ years ago when you were a little kid.