
I like the taste of alcohol, always have. It’s like salt - you wouldn’t want to eat it in its pure form but it makes things taste better.

Honestly, it’s always been surprising to me that trailers aren’t MORE misleading. Usually you can tell how good a movie will be by its trailer - there are exceptions, but they’re relatively rare. You’d think you could make any movie look good for a minute or two, but clearly not.

Trevor Noah is charming and seems like a good guy, but I really dislike this kind of political humor that treats even reasonable, well-argued disagreements as fodder for mockery.

I’ve always been really impressed with Tolkien’s illustrations - they’re simple in some ways but very evocative. As if the man didn’t already have enough talents!

That whole subplot felt like a TV show “monster-of-the-week” to me. You could probably transplant it wholesale into the first season of Agents of SHIELD without anything feeling out of place. 

I feel like the name Neutral Milk Hotel” gives you a pretty good idea of what you’re getting in to, so on that level at least it’s a success. 

I see the news of his death on reddit, and in reading the comments I see a few people mention that they felt bad for his daughter. I think “oh I didn’t know he had a daughter”, google it, and up pops the article “Who is Anthony Bourdain’s daughter, Ariane?”. Click!

Why was the hard-boiled egg there in the first place? That’s not a normal thing to have on a salad....

The thing they’re going to have to overcome, for younger folks unfamiliar with previous versions, is that the title “A Star is Born” sounds waaayy too much like reality show cheese nowadays. It’s going to be hard to convince folks that this is a proper drama and not some inspirational schlock. 

I’m very confused by those shoes. Does Spider Gwen do ballet? 

It’s possible he was *both* emotionally devastated by the miscarriage *and* at the same time (or maybe years later, with hindsight and emotional distance) relieved that he’s not tied to a bad relationship by having a kid together. 

I think Pocahontas and Moana qualify under the “daughter of the male leader” definition (it’s a stretch), and Belle marries a prince eventually. Mulan’s the only “princess” who really has no claim to the title.

Deadpool 2 has queer characters because the original wasn’t released in China, and still managed to be a big hit. They’ve decided not to try for the Chinese market with this one either, so they don’t have to worry about getting banned.

Yeah, I was expecting a hot take, but this was just incoherent. 

Le Guin was really a remarkable person, opinionated and perceptive, and one of the greats in SF/Fantasy. Anyone looking for a quick snapshot of her writing, I recommend the intro to The Left Hand of Darkness, which you can read online:

The trick to softening butter in the microwave is figuring out how to run it at half-power. It gives you a lot more margin for error before it starts to melt. The usual technique is:

When the first Avengers came out, I got a little obsessive and watched a bunch of cast interviews on youtube. The deeper down the rabbit hole I went, the more I came to realize that the interviews NEVER END. They do sooooo many, and it’s the same lame questions every time (Did you have to work out a lot to get in

I would have forgiven everything I hated in TLJ if they had had the balls to end it with Rey taking Kylo’s hand after his “join me and we’ll forge a new future together” speech. 

Thank you for doing a better job avoiding spoilers in the title than io9 did.

I hadn’t even read the comics, but it’s obvious from 10 min into the movie what this headline means....