I’m partial to the Two Headed Boy -> The Fool -> Holland 1945 sequence. Three very different songs that somehow manage to be exactly the thing you want to hear next. The flow of that album is so well done.
I’m partial to the Two Headed Boy -> The Fool -> Holland 1945 sequence. Three very different songs that somehow manage to be exactly the thing you want to hear next. The flow of that album is so well done.
The irony is, rats make much better pets than hamsters. They actually bond with their owners and enjoy interacting with people. Hamsters just constantly try to escape, and they bite!
I’ve gotten less obsessive about it recently, but for the last several years I’ve been following the box office - basically, what movies come out and how much money they all make. It’s surprisingly interesting! The irony is, of course, that I watch like two movies a year...
Most faith-based films are Evangelical, though. I was actually wondering from the review if this was a Catholic production - the apostles and early church get a lot more focus from Catholics, Evangelicals seem more interested in showing God taking action in modern day.
This sounds pretty interesting, actually. The petty squabbles of the early Christians are a big part of the New Testament and played a huge role in shaping Christianity. It’s neat that someone made a movie about that part of the story.
It’s pretty foolish of movie producers to think that an Oscar winner will make a good action star. This genre of movie lives or dies on its star’s charisma. Alicia Vikander might be a great actress, but she’s not charismatic. Angelina Jolie was better casting!
I feel like they’re underestimating how much of McDonald’s appeal is their consistency. I don’t want my BigMac to taste better - I want it to taste exactly like every other BigMac I’ve eaten since I was 5.
The sun’s great if you can get it.... I used to live in a semi-basement apartment, it never got bright enough to wake me up. Plus, I live in Canada and in winter the sun doesn’t come up here til 7:30.
The sun’s great if you can get it.... I used to live in a semi-basement apartment, it never got bright enough to…
Never thought I’d see a figure skater with facial hair. I don’t know why it’s surprising, since I don’t think I know a single clean-shaven guy anymore, but it’s still kind of jarring.
“This is the first Winter Olympics in which single figure skaters can perform to music with lyrics”
One of the things I found most amusing in my brief stint of living in Japan, was their apparent conviction that all western foods should have corn on them. Salad? Always. Pizza? Sure, why not?
It’s not her fault or anything, but that kid definitely knew it wasn’t normal candy - no 5th grader finds candy around the house and then brings it to school to share. You hide that stuff in your room to savor on your own time!
I had to google to make sure that wasn’t a real song by them I just hadn’t heard yet
These are both so painfully generic that I have a hard time believing anyone would bother to plagiarize them. It’s like two people independently tried to come up with the most bland wedding song they could think of, and since they’re both working off the same template, they ended up in a similar place.
I thought it was a great film, and I didn’t have any issues with Dixon’s character or arc, but I do think it’s a valid criticism that the film isn’t really interested in its black characters. They’re sort of blandly sympathetic, but we’re never really given their perspective or asked to empathize with them. And I do…
I remember reading a article a while back (though I can’t find it now) about how laundry pods are actually a real danger to people with dementia. I guess you can reach a point where you’re mentally aware enough to recognize that it looks like candy, but not mentally aware enough to stop eating when it doesn’t *taste*…
I can’t imagine being such a neat freak that I found hotel rooms cluttered. Usually I find them barren and sterile - I feel much happier once I’ve spread my stuff around a bit.
I can see the benefit of this for older phones, but... Apple is still selling both the 6s and 7 new. I sincerely hope that the fact that replacing the battery fixes it means that newer phones won’t be affected, because I’d be very angry to find they’d slowed down my brand new phone for no reason.
I read a short book containing his translations of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo. It’s hard to judge translations when you aren’t familiar with the original, but I found it enjoyable. He’s good at keeping poems readable without resorting to loosening the poetic form.