
It’s funny, I spent a lot of time when I was younger on message boards, where replying to a very old thread was a BIG faux-pas. I never lost that mindset, so I never upvote or reply on old reviews, and when I do by accident I always feel really embarrassed. But I should really get over that, because I love it when I

That explanation would be reasonable if they actually had a system in place for getting ordinary users out of the greys. I’m “stuck in this stupid grey pending BS on a site I’ve been commenting on for years” on Gizmodo as well.

These instructions sound very confusing. If I already have a Kinja burner account with the same name as my Disqus account, should I just not bother with all this? I won’t get to see any notifications for my old avclub comments but that’s not too big a deal. I would like to get out of the greys, though...

It’s a reasonably common (but not too common) real-world name that fits in well with the naming aesthetic of Star Wars. I don’t think there’s any further explanation needed.

Don’t forget this one:

If that’s her motivation in the game, that’s just as “off” as her taking human form - in the books she just wants to eat people.

I’m the sort of dabbler in comics who I think they’re aiming at when they re-start the numberings, but in practice it’s a turnoff for me too. A while back I decided to start reading Captain Marvel, so I bought Volume 1 and Volume 2 from the store, and it wasn’t until partway through Volume 2 that I figured out that I

I thought it was Kit Harrington for real.

I’ve tried some Japanese whiskey and I really like it. What kind of things should I look for in a Scotch to get a similar style?

I think that’s the point, actually, and I kind of love it. The “BAD DUDE” writing on that one guy, the “QUEENS” with a Stussy S - it’s silly in a charming way. Much better than that self-serious poster below it.

I think that’s what I find so interesting about Tom Bombadil - he feels like a pagan god plopped in the middle of a very christian theology. Nothing about him fits with the world-building all around him, and yet there he is.

Yeah it’s kind of ridiculous to hear that advice coming from someone who “made it” by showing up in Japan with several million euros.

Honestly it sounds to me like the issue here isn’t the principle of the matter, so much as just a contract issue. It sounds like the studio hadn’t negotiated for this kind of thing in the directors’ contracts, like they do for TV edits etc. So they had to go in and ask permission one-by-one, and they didn’t, so now

I know they say not to judge a book by its cover but damn that cover is stunning.

Yeah, this all feels kind of entitled. We don’t expect artists in other mediums to release their messy first drafts, why should directors have to?

Honestly I’m happy with NASA being the wing of space exploration that does actual science, and leaving the send-rich-people-to-the-moon stuff to SpaceX.

They’ve always been that way for me in these monthly round-ups. I can’t tell if it’s just crappy blurbs, or if io9 has really pulpy taste in books, or if that’s actually the majority of what’s getting published nowadays.

People always complain about this decision, but honestly *I* had never heard of the Philosopher’s Stone as a kid, and even as an adult I don’t think I’ve ever seen it referenced except in regards to Harry Potter. I don’t know if it has more cultural cachet in the UK, but in the US it’s pretty obscure...

I get stopped occasionally by the check-you-have-a-ticket worker for having too many carry on bags, I’d have expected them to do the same for someone with an egregiously large carry on. But i guess it depends on the person and how much they give a shit.

I think this is how I would do it too - there’s a lot of parallels between Tolkien’s life and his work, many of them acknowledged by the author himself. You could also tie in his literary/scholarly work by including vignettes of Beowulf and some of the other works he translated.