
Man, reading that makes me disappointed that this show seems to be focusing so heavily on the Europeans. If you want to make a great Game of Thrones style show about the frontier, they really should be focusing on all the various Amerindian groups who were dealing with their balance of power being thrown up in the air

The inside is so much bigger than the outside! Assuming that that downstairs window is the bay window you see in the exterior shot, the wall should be about a foot past it, but instead there’s somehow space for a whole stairway.

In a way, we’ve already seen this once, with Ant-Man.

This is a genuine question, I’m not trying to be snarky or anything:

Yeah they’re beautiful but they don’t really feel very “Harry Potter” to me.

Genuine question: Why is high frequency trading still legal? As far as I’m aware, it does nothing but make those involved rich, at the cost of destabilizing the economy. Is there some other benefit I’m not seeing?

It really does look like a man’s hand that’s inexplicably tiny.

io9 doesn’t get advance screenings of movies either, their reviews always come out after the films do.

I don’t know it. I’ve just always assumed it, because the blurbs always read like something the publisher came up with, rather than a review. Most of them don’t have any hint of opinion, just a description of the premise (ie the information you’d get from reading the back cover). I’d imagine someone who spent hours

I’ve always assumed they’re just repeating the marketing blurbs for these books, I don’t think they’ve read any of them, since they haven’t come out yet. Yeah, it’s kind of annoying that the headline declares them all “amazing” but I don’t mind getting a little snapshot of what’s coming out this month. (Even though

Not to mention the danger that if your storage method fails somehow (say, in a large earthquake...), 50 years of power released at once would be a MASSIVE explosion.

My guess: one of the personalities is actually his evil twin, who’s keeping him captive as well

Reminds me of Zuckerberg’s complaint about the Social Network movie: “And basically the framing is that the whole reason for making Facebook is because I wanted to get girls, or wanted to get into clubs. They [the film’s creators] just can’t wrap their head around the idea that someone might build something because

They should have given farmers better notice to cover their hives, and they should pay compensation for the lost bees.

I’m curious about what exactly Watson *did*, since obviously it wasn’t as simple as just sending it an email saying “here’s the film! make me a trailer”. How did they teach it what a trailer should look like? How does it go about categorizing moods/tones of shots? The featurette at the end was completely

I had the same confusion at first - it’s an increase of temperature, rather than an absolute temperature. An increase of 30 degrees C is equivalent to an increase of 54 degrees F.

I don’t think it’s a ridiculous notion. Women’s nipples are usually more sensitive than men’s to sexual stimulus (though this varies by the individual), and they also change visibly with arousal in a way that men’s don’t.

Yeah I was really confused this morning to find I got followed on 3 different Lifehacker sub-blogs I didn’t even know existed. First time I’ve been followed by anything, despite posting on io9 regularly for years. I have no idea what’s going on.

Hah, nice. To be fair to the parents though, that movie also has “princess” in the title. No American movie studio would have released a film called Princess Whatever that wasn’t 100% kid-friendly. That’s how we ended up with “John Carter” instead of “A Princess of Mars” for example.

It’s an interesting question - is it still worth it, given that you’ll never get a “real” mammoth out of it?