
Yeah, isn’t half the point of Mockingjay that we come to understand by the end how Panem came about, and why the Hunger Games seemed like a good idea at the time? That ground has already been covered, thematically.

Actually her omission here is because she had an affair with the director of the last one, which got both of them fired from the franchise. It’s hard to say what would have happened if that hadn’t gone down.

Man, why can’t io9 just leave Gawker and become its own site? It’s so much better than the clickbaity shit-stirring that Gawker seems to be aiming for more and more. Io9 doesn’t need Gawker, and Gawker clearly has no interest in io9.

... Richard Feynman?

Your first point isn’t true for all sects of Christianity, actually. This is an official catholic catechism, for example:

I’m confused, I feel like there’s a logical leap here I missed. So the idea is that Newtonian physics couldn’t fully predict the orbit of Mercury, and people tried to resolve this by positing another planet named Vulcan. But then Einstein used relativity to calculate its orbit, and everything worked out? For some

It wasn’t originally released in IMAX? That seems a bit strange, does anyone know why not?

“a bit rapey”? Do you mean... the actual rape? There’s no ambiguity there - the book doesn’t leave it up to interpretation.

Nerds Rope is my favorite so-bad-its-good candy

I like that he’s selling it as a blueprint - it would be a really fun project to complete. No different from buying a lego kit or a jigsaw puzzle.

As a natural blonde - we often do have invisible eyebrows. For me, it looked perfectly fine until I dyed my hair a bit darker, and then I had to start coloring them in every morning so I didn’t look like some kind of alien.

I might have misunderstood, but I don’t think that Hunter’s buddy was Hydra - I think he was just another mercenary who had contacts in the organization. Similarly, I don’t think the fight club event was a Hydra event, just a place where Hydra recruited from sometimes.

For dexterity: A lot of people don’t realize it, but the ability to consciously control how your body is positioned and how it moves is a learned skill, and you can improve it a lot if you work on it. (It also makes you more attractive!) Good activities for this are dancing, martial arts, yoga, and gymnastics.

That’s awesome. I’m actually pretty jealous you found something that works - I clench rather than grind so it’s hard to tell when I’m doing it awake, much less asleep.

Are you sure you didn’t just get used to the noises and now you sleep through it? ;)

Agreed. This all reminds me of the story about the seed bank during the Siege of Leningrad, where many of the scientists starved to death guarding an edible collection of seeds and potatoes. I’m sure there are plenty of scientists who don’t care that much about their research, but they’re not going to be the ones

I’m willing to forgive it since the book did so much right, but you’re 100% correct. It was wildly out of character for him not to have brought along a potato.

Surveying McGill students/employees is really not representative...

Why are the direwolves giant but the moose is tiny? A direwolf was only slightly bigger than a normal wolf, and a moose should be much bigger than a horse.

The thing is, the Pope’s not allowed to have sex either. He has to remain celibate his whole life too, as do most of the people he spends time with. It’s probably not such a crazy idea to him.