
Charity fraud is a real thing, though - if I ask you to make a donation to a cause and then just spend the money on myself, that’s illegal. I agree that Kickstarter supporters shouldn’t expect concrete results from their money, but it’s still reasonable to expect that that money be spent working on that project.

It’s not a scarce possibility. These water streaks were discovered back in 2011, and NASA spent the last 4 years confirming it with additional evidence. They’re scientists, so they never like to sound too sure about anything, but the reason they finally called a press conference now is because they’re confident

I’d think that if you told someone from 1965 that the US and Russia, instead of blowing each other up with nuclear bombs and sending civilization back into the dark ages, were instead peacefully collaborating on a space station, they’d be pretty damn delighted.

I agree with you, but it’s not the best example - the samurai actually stuck around until the late 1800s. A better comparison for a thousand-year-old bogeyman would be Genghis Khan and the Mongols.

I think romantic comedies *have* gone out of style- how many came out in the last 5 years that made more than pennies at the box office? The big studios have pretty much stopped making them.

Ghirardelli chips are great. Plus their brownie mix is excellent. They seem like the kind of brand that takes baking seriously, and would have actually put in effort to find the right formula for good chocolate chip cookies, rather than just selling their normal chocolate in chip form.

Those limits are ostensibly in place for safety, but really to make bike racing about the humans, not the machine”

I’m expecting some symbolism here as well, they seem to like to do that with their posters. Is it significant that Fitz and Simmons are facing away from each other? Why does Lincoln have his back to the camera? Shouldn’t he be next to Skye, not Ward?

If I’m understanding it right, it works like this: two particles are entangled, and can then be moved to separate locations. They’re both in superposition (that’s the default state of particles when not being measured) until one is observed, at which point it collapses into a particular state. Due to entanglement, the

A few tips from my own experience:

This is a little off topic, but I dance as a hobby, and copyrighted music is a pretty big problem for the dance world - you can’t dance without music, and it’s just not feasible for dancers to get permission to use every song. I had a number taken off youtube because of copyright on a song recorded in 1933! This was a

That explains Evil Zuckerberg, then!

Okay, I have a different problem with the cell phone question - the last time I made a phone call, I was most definitely using sound waves to do it. That’s a perfectly reasonable answer - if you want to know how the *phone* makes a call, you have to *say* that in the question.

I use a 5 year old 3Gs that’s still basically good as new, despite being dropped more times than I can count. I left it on iOS 5, because at this point any upgrade is only going to make things worse. I’ve had a few apps stop supporting the OS, but the major ones work fine. Plus I never had to deal with the SSL bug or

I’m pretty sure stores intentionally under-stock the good stuff at these events. Basically, there’s two ways this could go:

Wow, that actually makes a ton of sense. As a kid I was taught exclusively cursive, but my friends and I all switched to print the minute it wasn’t enforced. Why’d we all go through the bother of learning a whole new writing system if it wasn’t easier on some level?

I’m pretty sure that Marvel is intentionally changing up all the suits and costumes with each movie. Notice how Black Widow’s hairstyle is completely different each film, since her costume is so simple. My best guess is that it’s done for merchandising reasons - gives you more things to sell, and makes old merchandise

Yeah, I think it’s more of a branding thing than anything. If you just release two or three “some subset of the avengers!” movies every year, they’re going to start seeming redundant and skip-able. How will casual fans decide which ones they should see?

That sounds more accurate - I’d guess on average I drink a liter of water in a day, maybe less. Even with exercise! If the 8 glasses a day thing were true I should be dead by now. But it doesn’t seem to be causing me any problems.

Also Downey doesn’t have to do any stunts - all his action scenes are either a stuntman in the suit or fully CGI.