
I still think “whale tail” is the most accurate, and cute.

But it’s not really a nation-wide warning system, right? As far as I understand, you have to specifically target a particular fault, and I don’t think anyone is proposing implementing this for New Madrid.

That’s a bit simplistic. Here’s what the WHO has to say on birth control pills:

I don’t know... there have been a number of 8.7+ earthquakes in recent history, and generally most well-built buildings survive. Obviously you can’t guarantee anything, but the odds are good.

The biggest danger in an earthquake is building collapse. Think about the buildings you live and work in: Do any of these buildings pre-date your city’s seismic codes? If they’re all recent constructions, you’re fine. If they’re old but made out of wood or steel, you’re probably fine as well. If they’re made from

Another likely side-effect of this - cabins would get a lot louder. People traveling together who want to talk now have to speak loudly enough to be heard across several feet of space, rather than being placed ear-to-ear. Imagine being seated next to a chatty couple: the person in the third seat isn’t any further

Yeah, with the lack of armrests it’s basically an invitation for the guy next to me to “innocently” rest his hand on my thigh. Ugh.

I don’t know, I’d never seen the original and it worked fine for me. I knew the basics thanks to cultural osmosis, so the whole t-shirt / jeep / other park thing made sense. And the raptors have that whole scene with the guy falling in their cage towards the beginning just to demonstrate how dangerous they are.

See, “keep right unless passing” makes sense for long stretches of highway in the middle of nowhere. In dense urban areas where people are constantly entering and exiting the highway, “through traffic keeps left” is a lot more efficient. If the left lane is too slow, switch to the middle lane. If they’re both too

I get why it makes sense to try and fix locations - Montreal has a huge population of French immigrants. You can sell a lot more tickets if you arrange it so France is always playing in Montreal. But it’s not any more ethical than fixing matches to sell tickets.

If we go with option B, there’s actually a pretty straightforward answer for how humanity survived the first time around - Coop doesn’t go into space, so Brand leads the mission and they choose Edmund’s planet right away. Future humanity descends from the frozen embryos on the ship, while humanity on Earth is doomed.

Yeah, it sure sounds like *somebody* expected it to go wrong, what with Lisa McCullough bowing out in the first place. This was a terrible idea from the very start. You don’t blindly drop people 30 feet just hoping they’re in position to land on the airbags.

While it’s a shame Pixar broke their streak, $91 million is an incredible opening for a kid’s film, especially against kid-friendly competition from Jurassic World. Animated films tend to open lower than action movies but hold very well over time. So as long as this has decent word-of-mouth, it should make a ton of

It was a college radio show made by a couple of nerdy kids a few years back, where they read out the books and joke around. It’s very amateur but a lot of fun.

No ghostwriter for this one - they didn’t start until around #25.

Chalk is also legible at smaller sizes than whiteboard markers are, which is pretty critical when you’re doing math. If you’re writing words, as long as the student can make out the word that’s good enough. But in math every little mark matters, including subscripts and superscripts.

Beautiful. I wonder if it’s feasible to make this a permanent installation? I’d love to see it.

<Also the Shrike kind of reads like a different creature in all the stories...>

Wouldn’t it have been cool if they had based the movie off just that idea? A girl finds Tomorrowland, where all the futurists from the 60s ran off to make their better world. It’s got all sorts of cool technology, but since they never included any non-white people, Jews, queers, etc, it’s stuck in 1960s social mores.

I’m pretty sure Chili was invented in Texas, so if anyone has a claim to “authentic” it’s them. It certainly wasn’t imported from Mexico.