
That was a weird article to read, because it’s clearly trying to play this off like it’s exploitative, but as far as I’m aware most writers have no problems with the ghostwriting business model. It’s good way to get a reliable paycheck as a new writer. Sure, you don’t get complete creative control and you don’t get

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Oh, so she’s not tweeting the text of the novel, just her commentary? I guess that should have been obvious, sorry.

Is this legal? I imagine the book is still under copyright.

It’s like the old quote- “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”

Known actors and heavy marketing don’t always make for a profitable movie, look at flops like The Lone Ranger. If this makes money, it’ll be because it does a good job of being a disater movie, and people like disaster movies. Being formulaic doesn’t mean it’s bad - this kind of movie is supposed to be comforting, not

Woo! Yet another bug I’ve sidestepped by still being on iOS5. My phone is ancient.

<There is no way somone Calista Flockhart’s age or position refers to themselves as “a girl.” >

This isn’t a puzzle, it’s not even math! It’s just brute force trial and error. Putting it in a squiggly shape doesn’t make it fun.

<If you’re going to have something that is pretty nasty in real life in your story, you need to take it seriously out of respect for the people who are harmed by it in real life. >

I get what you mean, but as far as I’m aware, most cultures that practice arranged marriage don’t expect couples to have sex on their wedding night. You’re supposed to give it some time and get comfortable with each other.

Oh come on, there is no person in this universe who thinks they might have the power to fly and doesn’t actually try it out.

I suspect this is going to run into all the same problems as baby formula. Sure, we can create something that works pretty well, but biological systems are complex and nothing we make will be a perfect substitute.

It looks like they wanted her back arched, and in the original photo it wasn’t arched. So they just... shifted her torso forward a bit. Or maybe combined two photos together. But either way, her spine is too long there and she’s completely off her center of balance.

This doesn’t seem too surprising - if the part of the skull that gets hit is strong enough not to break, that force will still travel through the rest of the skull and any weaker points are still at risk of breaking.

They’re odd books - brillant in certain ways and flawed in others. The prose can be overdone, and the pacing/plotting has issues, but it’s got an amazing and diverse cast of characters who are all given their own character arcs and moments to shine. Plus the society they discover in the Pliocene is really interesting.

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s been thinking this. It’s got such a great ensemble of characters, I’d love to see what some good actors could do in those roles. It’d make an excellent TV series.

How does she make motion capture dots look so gorgeous? I’d have thought it was a fashion thing if I didn’t know better.

I’m a bit surprised they didn’t delay the release, actually. I don’t think it’s offensive or anything, but for these kinds of movies you really have to be able to turn off your brain and have fun, and this is just a little too real right now...

What in the world could a couple small dogs do to cause THAT much property damage?