
He's not actually in the book?

Can io9 PLEASE stop publishing these "Let's all hate on Republicans/Southerners/etc!" posts? They don't educate anybody, they do nothing but feed into already existing biases. It makes me lose a lot of respect for the io9 community.

Or maybe he trusted that people might actually understand what he was trying to say? It's *io9* that chose to interpret his statement as saying that these kids might have Ebola. Not "you know who they are."

Require a prescription for more concentrated doses? Lots of drugs work that way.

Evangeline is the actress who plays Hope. I don't think they've cast Janet.

Have you ever accidentally sent a fax to 9-11-XXX-XXXX instead of 9-1-XXX-XXXX? Good times!

What do you think are the chances they'll actually have Bilbo knocked out for the battle? I'm betting he ends up saving the day and killing the main orc guy and everything.

I'd predict it was the other way around actually - that Wright wrote a script without Wasp, since he's really only interested in Ant-Man. And Marvel came back and wanted him to write her in in some way ("Can't you just like... make her Pym's daughter or something?"), since she's important to the Avengers. And Wright

I guess my argument is that interpreting ambiguous sentences requires a number of different facets of intelligence, so it's a decent proxy for "general" intelligence (if that's even a thing). You can't easily break the task down into a mathematical abstraction the way you can a game of chess.

Lucy had a $40 million budget, shitty reviews, and no brand or franchise to prop it up. So a $44 million opening weekend is actually a big success. If Marvel were smart, they'd recognize that they missed an opportunity there - with better writing, a bigger budget, and the Marvel brand behind it, I think a Black Widow

You can do the same thing with the other sentence too:

I think it works pretty well as a computer intelligence test, actually - these sentences are genuinely ambiguous, so it's not a grammar test - the only way to interpret them is to actually understand the question and use general reasoning to fill in the gaps.

With Ebola, you're not contagious until symptoms start. So it's not quite so bad.

For me, it's the facial expression - that kind of smiling-without-smiling is hard to do. I'd bet that even if she's not at comicon as a model, she's done modeling before.

I don't understand this at all... Is the idea that people will walk all the way around the perimeter in order to get to the next level, rather than just taking stairs or an elevator like in a normal building? What's the benefit of that? I could see it being a nice walk if it were only a couple stories high but this

This is a complete nitpick, but there's something just... wrong... about an elf wearing high heels.

I *love* that pose - she looks strong and intimidating and heroic and elegant all at the same time. None of the arched back and cocked hips you see all the time, which can look sexy but is really hard to take seriously in the context of a fight.

I'm glad that ice cream sandwiches don't use premium ice cream - the higher melting point lets me eat them at temperatures where they don't freeze my teeth.

I would agree with you that it's Mako's story, if they'd given the "big damn hero" moment at the end to her instead of Raleigh. As it is I think they only went halfway there.

I think it has more to do with appearance - if you can pass for white, you don't get counted as non-white. And since there's actually a good deal of variety within the umbrella of "white", it's easy for mixed race people to look white enough to get lumped in.