
To quote Bujold for a moment: "A weapon is a device for making your enemy change his mind."

Will Smith has done a couple - I Am Legend, Hancock, etc. Can't think of any others though.

How can 42nd Street be on the most obscure list? Everyone knows that song.

All of that sounds wonderful.

I agree, but I do think something like this would be really fun to do for April Fool's.

I too think it would be 1000% cool if we got Rescue. Pepper Potts is a great character who is unlike anyone else in the MCU, and I think it would be fun to see her adjust to being an action hero. Also I love the name Rescue.

Looks like a plot to train the dogs to pick up litter :)

This is another thing that I think flies over the heads of most teenagers.

That's what the sketch artists considers a prominent and square chin?

You could always take a page from Days of Future Past and make the different universes into different timelines. Something like this:

I took really fascinating a class in college on epidemics, and I found that I was not bothered in the slightest by the gruesomeness of the subject matter - until we got to talking about the spread of AIDS via blood transfusions, and I could barely sit through class. Ebola? The Plague? No problem! Blood transfusions?

I really don't see how copying people's writing wholesale and then re-printing it for profit could be considered fair use. That's the exact opposite of fair use.

There's a really jarring moment of tonal whiplash in that clip at the end, where you go from the lighthearted "Woo! I'm driving now!" joke to a few seconds later a guy's limp body wrapping around a tree like a ragdoll. There's even a crunching sound effect, just in case you were under any illusions he might survive

I don't know... I was a kid when the prequels started coming out and I remember not really understanding what the hype was all about. We thought it was fun and cool, but nobody was obsessed with it the way people were with, say, Harry Potter.

Eh, I wasn't sure either. You were right about the "dude" part, at least.

Because I'm a nerd, I looked it up on the supernatural wiki, and apparently what Dean says is "I'm twenty-six, dude."

It's mentioned in the pilot, too - Sam is surprised that Dean has been out hunting on his own and Dean says "I'm 26, man!"

Honestly, I'm not sure it matters who shot it down - they almost certainly didn't do it on purpose. Commercial airlines should have known better than to fly over that area - the rebels have been shooting down military planes regularly for the past couple weeks, this was bound to happen eventually.

I never noticed it before, but he actually looks a lot like young Shatner too.

Okay I know nothing about the character or the series as a whole, but "Ander Elessedil" is a hilarious name.