
With comics like this where the characters are based on real people, I can never get past how off the faces look. The artist for 11 seems to have forgotten how big Matt Smith's forehead is, for example. And the artist for 10 has given Tennant a weirdly short nose.

I assume that some do, but most don't - it seems like a hard way to raise kids. And I never hear people talk about kids when in these sorts of discussions of poly relationships online.

I suspect that those that do have kids are far more likely to follow the "monogamous but with more than two people" or the "monogamous

Good point. Though I'd argue the problems are pretty easy to deduce:
1) Sex causes babies who need raising
2) STDs

Ditto for me. I really liked the last humble ebook bundle but this one is just a lot of books I've never heard of...

There's really two questions here:

"Man, I really want a sandwich right now"
"There's a Burger King down the street"

^ Burgers aren't sandwiches.

It's unfair to blame the lack of academic jobs on shrinking budgets - even if budgets were growing, you'd still see the same problem. It's inherent in the design - every research university has more grad students than it does professors, because they want the cheap labor. But a PhD only takes 4-6 years, while a

I don't understand why everyone's so sure that Edgar Wright's Ant Man was going to be a big hit. I mean, I'm sure most of us on io9 would have loved it, but Wright has a pretty strong track record of movies that a few people love and everyone else ignores. The World's End didn't even make 30 million domestically - to

Heh, when I first read this I thought you were saying "Gold" as in "wow, good job self". And then I looked up and went - oh yeah, that's the character for gold isn't it.

Oh good! Glad I could be of help.

Ah, now we're back at the core of the matter. The idea behind the diagonalization thing is that it *disproves* the hypothesis that "there exists a list of all possible (real) numbers".

It's totally possible for an infinite list of numbers to not include a number. Being infinite doesn't mean you include every possible number. For example, the set of all even numbers is infinite, but it doesn't include the number "1" (or "3", or "5", etc).

I don't think it was stupid to worry about the language - I liked the movie, but I'm pretty sure I watched it with subtitles. And American audiences really don't like subtitles (well, honestly, no one does, we just have more options for avoiding them).

This just seems like over thinking it - it doesn't take a saliva hormone measurement to tell if a dog is stressed out. Stressed dogs *act* stressed. They pant, they whine, they avoid people. Dogs know how to signal "I'm not enjoying this" to humans.

Yeah, Facebook already has the ability to crack this easily. It's weird that they're measuring robustness against other people, rather than against automated methods. It's very easy to make a password other people can't guess, that's not a problem that needs solving.

Yeah I really think io9 shouldn't be spoiling that - all he's doing is standing there, and we know from the end of the last film that he'd been captured so his mere presence doesn't tell us much.

I got Rosetta Stone's intermediate Japanese after having taken courses in college, and I was *really* unimpressed - there's a lot of really important aspects of Japanese that it just didn't cover at all (formality, pronoun dropping, etc). I assume because those aspects weren't a part of whatever language all the

I got Rosetta Stone's intermediate Japanese after having taken courses in college, and I was *really* unimpressed -

Haha that was actually my favorite thing about Fool Moon - I find it fun that instead of having "Here's how vampires/werewolves/etc work in this world" in the Dresden Files world it's "All of the conflicting versions of this creature are real all at once!"

I'd say start at the beginning, but if you're impatient, most fans agree the series starts hitting its stride with the climax of the third book.

What did subsaharan africa look like 100k years ago?