Calvin's Johnson

Wahoo appears to be the least of the Indians worries.

Hurons for life.

My opinion, as a medical professional, is that you are a complete fucking idiot, who intends to influence people to death at the hands of ignorance.

How you DO react when your good friend starts telling you about his recent divorce :

There are multiple bars and weed dispensaries within walking distance of my hospital. And people use them....they use them.

Not if it’s moving in reverse.

You spelled it wrong. It’s “regert.”

+1 Courvoisier


You will rubella the day you made such a comment.

Quote your fucking sources, Scrooge!

Based on your posting history, I kinda figured you had a thing for bears.

This bodes well for the team, obviously trying to curry favor from their fans.

Okay. Some people need play little games. You play yours. Let’s just say that you’ll pay me because it’s in your interest to pay me. But I want your answer and the money by noon tomorrow. And one more thing. Don’t you contact me again, ever. From now on, you deal with Turnbull.

“That wasn’t Richard Harrington, it was Joey Harrington. And the way you rack up that tab is all champagne and strawberries.”

Benicio DelToro looking good.

“You wanted your dog back? Why the fuck didn’t you call me?”

I, for one, would not feel bad in the least if Lucky Whitehead got popped.

Piss on this story.

When the coach heard about possible NCAA sanctions and potential scholarship freeze, he nearly blew a nutt.