
The downside is a public option cannot really be competitive with private options for myriad reasons.

Thanks for the explanation. I always find it incredibly condescending that people shrieking about these things seem to think that farmers are idiots who know nothing about agricultural science.

This is an embarrassingly stupid and misinformed take.

You’re exactly right - Trump’s ‘invincibility’ is entirely a product of a closed media ecosystem. We are wholly unprepared for the effects of modern media on our political system.

President Trump and the Republican Party are now synonymous.

Tesla at least actually makes a product people like. There’s no reason they can’t be profitable in the long run if they make the right decisions. Uber and Lyft are totally different animals.

All conservative thought is a retcon to justify their beliefs. If America is pure and good and the founding fathers were demi-gods, they need to invent an entire framework to make it so. It’s pathetic.

Concentration camps are estimated to have been a net economic loss by a lot of historians. A number of economic historians have also suggested that the net impact of slavery in the US was negative for the slave states - that they were much slower to develop modern farming and diversify the economy.

when the Dems lose the house because of all this dicking around

Nixon didn’t have Fox News and social media to protect him. Once the big networks made him look guilty, he was done. If Nixon were president right now, I’d bet he wouldn’t have left office.

A big takeaway from the testimony should be that this is exactly how impeachment proceedings would go as well - Mueller would have to be the center of impeachment, and they wouldn’t accomplish anything with a dry and legalistic star witness.

You’re conflating the technology itself with how it’s actually used, intensive agriculture with pesticides, and also maybe varieties produced with varieties planted.

They won’t sell it in Europe anyway, and I couldn’t afford to put gas in it even if they did, so I guess I’ll have to save my outrage.

Engaging with a couple of these performatively woke tankie-adjacent types is a waste of time.

Antifa as a whole is not under BfV surveillance in Germany. In fact, the BfV has actually cooperated with antifa groups in identifying extreme right wing figures and methods since the late 90s, and even a couple years ago in CSU-dominated Bavaria.

That’ll really send a message to the establishment... that you don’t understand you elections work.

Particularly now that most kids have tablets and phones, and can therefore effectively be plugged in virtually constantly. It’s pretty jarring to see how little kids of that age interact with the world around them.

He’s not going to win the primary. I have no idea who will, but I’m pretty confident that Bernie isn’t the guy.

Bernie was sunk by getting destroyed in the early contests in the South - he was mathematically eliminated (even ignoring superdelegates) long before the primary was officially over. By the time he realized he had momentum, the places he failed to take seriously gave Clinton an unbeatable edge. The DNC definitely came

Macron has been saying that France will veto another extension, which is all it takes. If it’s clear that the UK isn’t going to either hold a referendum or approve the existing deal, there’s not really reason to prolong the inevitable.