
I stopped hating Steve the instant he decided to hang around and fight the monster back in season one, by midway through season two he’s one of my favorite characters.

Dear person who wrote this story: the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, while both being art museums with lots of Ms in their names, are in fact two different places. At no point do the kids in this book ever take up residence at MoMA.

“Museum of Modern Art”?

I’m conflicted. Clearly he presents himself as an irascible Son of a Bitch. And I’m not sure I’ve ever heard one story about the guy.....on a professional level....where it was even remotely positive.

Sturgill Simpson’s album was straight up the best album of the year. His first two albums were recorded without a label and his third, “Sailor’s Guide to Earth”, is a love poem to his little son. I hope he wins. :)

That picture of Bieber looks like he took some really strong drugs, and thinks he has travelled back to the 90's on a magical fishing boat, to audition for Oasis.

I’ll take a Sturgill Simpson win for AOY.

Damn, Sturgill. Better than the Americana category they lumped you into last time, I’d say.

That’s some epic level penny pinching.

Now playing

Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.

Are you mocking them for having a therapist and having shared that with us in past? If so, cool beans. Looks like you caught the post-election asshole bug too.

Oh for fuck’s sake, I already apologized several times. I made an insensitive and bad joke, I’m a terrible person. I get it.

First of all, my therapist makes EVERYONE do that. I am not an addict. Second of all, you even saying that is hypocritical in intent. Finally, I already apologized for my insensitivity, but go ahead and pile on like an asshole. Shall I burn myself on a pyre for making a bad comment? I acknowledged I was wrong, what

OK, sorry, it was flip but I didn’t mean to be cruel.

Because being too stupid to read the instructions on a condom, and refusing a woman’s right to choose, means a constant supply of new party members?

Was that picture made by holding your TV against the copier?

Please stop with the manufactured outrage and learn context .

What the fuck kind of comment is this? Jeans take a fuckin’ belt, and that’s all there is to it. Even if it’s just to fill the loops, wear a goddamn belt. No belt is some classless hillbilly shit.
