Or they are an incredibly stupid, narcissistic idea that should have never gotten off the ground and anyone who thought they were a good idea should have their oxygen revoked. #ImHavingABadDay
Or they are an incredibly stupid, narcissistic idea that should have never gotten off the ground and anyone who thought they were a good idea should have their oxygen revoked. #ImHavingABadDay
Wait, you’re supposed to give a gift at these things? Damn, my inner George Constanza is coming out....
I couldn’t care less if someone wants to reveal the gender of their child at a party. More power to em. Maybe just be safe and don’t burn shit down? I’m pretty sure these “incidents” are the exception, and a whole article didn’t need to be written blaming every gender reveal party for a few idiots who like to play…
Yeah, but you’re a Supreme Court Justice now, so not too bad in the long run.
I have refused every invitation to a GR party i have ever received.
These parties celebrate a baby’s gender as their primary identifying characteristic—after all, we know very little else about them at that point.
I’m assuming these don’t replace the standard baby shower?
Gonna go ahead and save this one for the next time someone asks me to demonstrate post-Gawker’s looney ideological crusading.
I have attended a gender reveal party sometime pre-covid.
Yeah, there’s nothing differentiating this from birthdays or weddings (which keep causing fires with those candle balloons) except that a Lifehacker writer has it out for them for a completely unrelated personal reason. In terms of total fire damage, Chrismas and its decor probably comes in first.
I revealed my gender at a party once. It...didn't go well.
I think where appropriation gets so complicated, for me, is the fact that the damage of appropriation is so frequently due to the wider world which isn’t interested in engaging in context or nuance.
The Native American headdress has particular cultural significance similar to military insignia, though. What Adele did was more like going to Texas and getting a giant blowout and a state flag shirt or going to California and dressing like a slob.
I don’t think it does anything to normalize these hair styles when worn by black people. It only provides cover for the bans against such hair styles that folks impose intending to target black folks. If they can say “oh no it wasn’t racial. See? Adele wore them.” They use that as an excuse because they’re definitely…
I think Kelvin backed into a valid point there, albeit not the one he was really trying to make. The experience of Black in America is not the experience of Black in other places around the world, and people in two different places with two different experiences can have equally valid interpretations of the same event.
Yeah - it’s the sort of thing that, even if done with the best of intentions, is walking into a minefield. And while in a perfect world she could wear such hairstyles in appreciation/celebration and no one would think anything else of it, we most certainly do not live in a perfect world. There is too much baggage…
The issue that it’s mostly Americans complaining about it when in reality most foreigners are fine with her look, non-Americans see this as a case of Americans sticking their noses where they don’t belong, it’s a case of a cultural barrier where what’s seen as gauche in the USA is seen as accepted elsewhere(like how…
Wow, Kelvin, tell’em why you mad, son! Don’t be young, gifted and Black American around that dude, sheesh.