Dankey Kang


My buddy took me there for my bday (his choice) and he was surprised by the amount of bikers. But I guess this is a thing?

Don't do mushrooms?

All I want is a roller coaster set on a mine shift.

Hey if your plugin is going to replace "Trump" with "Obama" then the narrative is going to go bonkers after January.

Like I said they took it well. The way they said it I knew the joke would be okay (I can read a room, per se). I just love anti-humor jokes and it came out without blinking. Next time the response comes up I'll definitely use yours.

At my serving job I ask "Have we ever been to xxxxx before?" and the response I got last week was "Yeah! Who hasn't?" and immediately I said "Hitler." with a straight face, which got a gasp and then a laugh. I wasn't trying to be a complete dick but when you respond like one…

But what about that other movie you were in?

Have you ever seen the documentary about Helvetica? Me neither. Cause who the f cares.

Perfect. They even have a section for that now.

I haven't played a new Pokémon game in years but I'm excited to pick up this new iteration.

'Member Chewbacca? (not a South Park fan, but 'member berries is hilarious)

As far as facing reality is concerned, I'm having a tough time getting into Battlefield 1. Between the based on true events story and the heavy handed theme of every death counts I'm having a hard time getting into the game. Give me aliens and spacesuits any day but now that we're humanizing this shit, I'm out.

Yes I was surprised that it's already up.

I didn't think about the time stone being used as a narrative device but that could have been a cool full-circle thing. I went into the movie knowning it's an origin story but right after that first action sequence I immediately went into "When are they going to get to the fireworks factory" mode. The story was fine,

I've watched every Marvel movie and I still don't get introducing "magic" means it had to be an origin story. I mean I watched Captain America get his superhero powers through something I call "magic serum", but audiences needed to be eased into crazy handwaving.

The other thing I don't understand is that even when the Sox are good, nobody shows up to their games. The stadium is nicer and the amenities are better. Tickets are cheaper. The area is pretty gentrified too. Blows my mind.

Also your manager is unbelievable. Maddon tried his best to tank the game but Tito really did a great job keeping you guys in it.

My wife wanted to go but I quickly shut her down. The ratio for how early I have to get there vs how little of the celebration I'll see is not worth it. But if there isn't a similar soundbite to Corey Crawford's "We're the f*cking champs!" then I'll call the whole parade a waste.

Absolutely. If the Indians had won you give all the credit to Tito. Because I'm really having a hard time giving credit to the insanity that was Joe Maddon.