Dankey Kang

Read it the same way.

You can really taste the homophobia in every bite.

I will rub it in and say I saw that tour (though at the time I was a burn out with nothing to save for, sounds like we were the same age) and it was one of the best shows of my life. I think that was the show (in Chicago) BN played Deja Entendu from start to finish.

I love the little "Aha!" moments in the game. Like when I came across a tower that had no rest spots and I didn't have the stamina to climb it. Determined to get the travel point (cause I didn't want to lose my progress), I attached 5 octo balloons to some heavy door(?) and floated 2/3 of the way up, jumped off and

For the Trial, the first couple of rooms can be beat by dropping a bomb, aggro the enemies, run past the bomb, then set it off. After that you'll start picking up items. I haven't made it too far after that cause I went back to the main game, but I hope it helps.

Exactly my thought when I read that part.

The straight from the go Kanye?

Counterpoint: it was.

I do that when I'm sad too.

Hipsters don't go to Naperville.

We already have had one senator who claims he talked to the gunman, and said on TV that the gunman asked him if it was democrats or republicans. When later it turned out his description of the gunman didn't match up, and that the police are not aware of this interaction he went back on TV and said it was still

I work at a bar and some jerk stiffed me but left some passive aggressive business card stating that while he respects my restaurant's decision to not allow firearms, he will be taking his business elsewhere.

Careful, or the Republicans might hear you.

The new Avengers will include everybody.

While the Westworld delay was worrisome I don't think general consensus was that it would be trash. This is like a dumpster fire that never ends.

As a man I would like to say this is a normal Tuesday for me.

Are you a college freshman? That's the only way to enjoy 300.

I thought it was for the urban woman who always knew she was a country girl at heart but doesn't know how to find a cowboy-man.

That would make me want to watch the Oscars a little bit more.

Same story about Subway. I tried to compromise by getting jalapeños.
Actually, I think it was when I was driving to Philly. What a disappointment. And the sandwich sucked too.