
He’s a cis gendered white man who once made jokes that could vaguely be characterized as transphobic (not really though). The good people at jezebel will hate him forever. There is nothing he could have said yesterday to change that. 

Are you just not aware that the college admission scandal stuff not only happened in 2019 but Aunt Becky is currently still facing prison time right? Maybe just maybe its time for the idiotic woke overly PC garbage trash millennials to just get off the internet and stop trying to police stupid shit and instead focus

“When did the college admissions scandal break?”

...a silent signal acknowledging that the man we’re supposed to be listening to isn’t saying anything worth hearing

The Supra is the automotive equivalent of Arrested Development: everyone was very sad when it went away; years of pining ensued and a cult-like status was achieved. Then the excitement, anticipation, and salivating at the mere hint that it may one day return. When it actually arrived most people were disappointed

I think the problem here is that you can’t actually market this thing to people who don’t know about cars. There’s no wool-pulling. It’s not like the Urus (I finally have an excuse to drive a Lambo!) or some heritage-laden tweedmobile (Careful with the Jag, darling).

Lots of car names became famous to normies for

In his defense, he was told that, after the season, there’s a chance he could go back to the minors.

And this people is why we cant have nice things. When it started Uber was a side gig for people that already have jobs to make a few bucks on the side. Then a bunch of people decided to do it full time and bitch about how the system doesn’t work as they assume it should. Uber/Lyft didnt do anything to discourage this

You may have nailed the most important reason why women’s sports don’t get as much monetary support as men’s:

Because everything has to be someone else’s fault. This is 2019.

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

Last thing Magic needed was more aids working against him. 

You make a lot of solid points, backed with good evidence. But none of that counters my emotional response to this and I will call you a racist transphobic if you disagree.

I don’t know what’s going on here, but props to her. Takes a lot of balls to do something like that.

Semenya has been targeted by the IAAF and opponents for years because she has a naturally high level of testosterone.”

C’mon, Will Smith in Blueface, whose offended!

Yeah, we did read it and anyone with half a brain just rolled their collective eyes. Did you watch 60 Minutes? He wasn’t anti-anything. He’s a realist. You and your ilk on the other hand continue to live in fantasy land of ‘free everything’. You folks who think everything is a god given right really need a reality

Something to keep in mind is discounts on homeowners/renters insurance, which you can only get if your system has professional monitoring and you have a certificate that says as much. For me, it saves $130/year on my homeowners insurance and the monitoring for the Ring Alarm only costs $100/year (plus that includes

Something to keep in mind is discounts on homeowners/renters insurance, which you can only get if your system has

If you can’t see a 5,000lb SUV (usually sold in bright colors), or hear the sound of approaching 35" mud terrains, than you likely deserve to be hit for stepping in front of it on the road. The focus on pedestrian safety is mind-boggling to me.

Yeah, that paragraph is kinda shitty. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, ya know? The guy is pushing the conversation. And in a good way, he doesn’t politely let the reporter finish his question, he immediately corrects him. And why would he suddenly stop talking about it now? Just seems like a negative for the