Is the implication here that people should be given entry or legal status as cheaply and easily as possible?
Is the implication here that people should be given entry or legal status as cheaply and easily as possible?
How is this xenophobia if those same people have a legal pathway to residency and citizenship in this country, only they chose instead to break the law, circumvent imigration law, and become illegally occupying criminals.
I think we’re at a point where people aren’t interested in hearing about how a person who was shot by the police was going nuts with a knife seconds before. If you’re not a white man, it’s never acceptable to shoot you.
If a crowd of people surrounds my car and starts hitting it, I’m getting the hell out of there. I can’t be the only person who feels this way.
It makes my mouth form the words: why not an Audi?
We know that the Ferrari put itself on fire.
A “properly funded” pension system puts the money away at the right time and invests it at the right rate of return. The right time being during the career of the beneficiary.
This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I…
Men aren’t women. Stop pretending.
I’m not a fight expert at all. I’m a middle-aged mom whose only real athletic experience is in genteel, non-contact sports like running and tennis. But just by nature of growing up in New Jersey I’m pretty sure I could do a better job of dodging a punch than she did.
A win would have made a transition to WWE easier. Hard to believe you’re a total badass coming off two knockout losses that weren’t even competitive.
Nah. She’s going to be remembered, as a multi-time women’s champion, in the WWE. Her time in the UFC, will be a minor footnote, like it is, for Brock Lesnar.
how are there so many of you?
Finally, a car for all 12 of us who have a soft spot for mid 90s Pontiac styling.
No idea who that jamoke is. Not a clue.
I know you’ll never understand this, but your comment (and the actions you describe wherein) is lunacy.
I would define A Self Important Cunt Who Can’t Swallow Their Pride as: someone who follows an other into a parking lot to get their point across
That being said, I believe that a major company looking to hire the BEST employee, would do so.
They are tremendously bad at swimming though. I was a swimmer in high school and swam on a club team in college and I could absolutely torch 95% of Olympic triathletes.