
Keep pushing your cancel culture leftist agenda... 

First I’ve heard of this group (company?/organization?/cult?) and the guy mentioned. Not necessarily doubting the story, but I’m reading quite a bit of opinion, and ‘assumed’ knowledge.

How about actually doing some investigative research and posting some, you know........facts? 

The factory is out on the WAY east side. Land and housing is still pretty cheap over there. I work about 2 miles from the new factory and it’s basically undeveloped farm land, cheap tract houses and 40 acre mini ranches. The good news is I won’t have to drive 10 miles for lunch very soon with all the development this

Just like Carbon credits but in reverse, I love it

Still wondering if the California govt boneheads ever lift their heads and look around. Too busy fighting recalls, I guess. 

Wait I have to filter my urine ?

But then the joke wouldn’t be funny.

Now playing

This has been tried before with far less refinement, but I would assume equally dangerous outcomes for the drivers of such vehicles...

Woody Guthr-E.

Counterpoint: We should give him more.

I’m looking forward to the Nihilist Edition. No airbags, no seatbelts, and no brakes.

Whoa! Invoking Hulk Hogan? That’s pretty ballsy for a website that used to be associated with Gawker.

Seems like this blog post was done in a rush (read: copy/pasted from somewhere, then a line was so it looks like “journalism”). Woof.

I skimmed through the article and thought “this is an utterly despicable, shitty article... could it be?” and then I scrolled to the top and bam, there it was: Erik Shilling.

It’s almost as if Jalopnik writers are aware that hate posts on Tesla and Musk bring more clicks and therefore ad revenue.

Hey look! Another Tesla hate post!

That’s not a fair statement. Imagine investing in the stock market and then the rules get changed causing you to lose money. Landlords understand the rules of the game which include the ability to evict non-paying tenants. During this pandemic the rules have been changed with no warning, and landlords are stuck

Translation: If you rented out your home in these states, your tenants still don’t have to pay you, but your mortgage is still due and you’re still screwed.

It was prepped and bumper melted and wheel bearing broke in a M4 meant for racing?