Typical adventuring party; you send them on a diplomatic mission to retrieve the macguffin and they show up arms swinging and armed to the teeth.
Typical adventuring party; you send them on a diplomatic mission to retrieve the macguffin and they show up arms swinging and armed to the teeth.
Epic Chef. It was a random title I’d never heard of in Humble Bundle, and one of the wildest rides of a videogame I’ve ever played.
100%. I lived through it with my wife and her ex, who was still abusing her when we started dating under the guise of co-parenting and being “just friends”. Gaslighting, manipulation, subtle encroachments. The first night we spent together he called her at 2am to ream her out about something and she picked up and I…
Little oculus headsets for your toes.
I think so too. All this has done is make me doubt Magnus Carlsen’s integrity, because his entire argument is founded on his ego. “He wasn’t as stressed as he should have been while playing me.”
I actually think this is brilliant and sets a very bold precedent.
I for one think it’s great value to pay Google to keep all the hardware the kids would have otherwise spilled shit on at their house while the kids can still play it over here, but OK. Fair take.
I’m a little bummed by this. We used Stadia as a means to allow our kids to play PC games with us without investing in their own PC hardware, instead opting for more rugged Chromebooks. I’m aware of other options out there now so it’s not like we’re stuck, but it’s pretty disheartening.
I actually became really fascinated with this after watching WGM Anna Rudolf (I think WIM at the time?) and GM Hess commentate on Twitch.
He was a legend. My condolences to all of you.
I just wanted to say thanks, this is literally what prompted me to go look at the slides. I was going to skip them because I thought I knew his line of argument from the article. I did not know his line of argument from the article. 100% worth going through.
Yeah, I’m in agreement with you. It strains willing suspension of disbelief to assume this was an accident. I’m strictly talking about the “no software should be named Bonobo because that’s inherently racist” assertion because it undermines the reasonable part of the poster’s argument.
Just wanted to say, thanks for mentioning how automated QA would view this — hadn’t thought of it, but makes perfect sense now that you mention it. Currently I’m training people in a role where I’m basically watching them type emails some percentage of the time, and now that you mention it I couldn’t tell you how many…
I mean, I feel you, but you’re kinda coming out swinging here. There are plenty of dev tools named after animals and to call that inherently racist is a huge stretch.
If you need examples, there’s no shortage of programming tools and languages named after animals:…
Lol I scrolled down partway through the article because I was confused about their response being all-caps, only to find your link to the Tweet which is in fact all caps. What the hell is this.
“[Look at me, I’m so smart that I can disagree with every bullet point you have listed without citing sources, providing information resources, or actually clarifying anything for anyone who isn’t already in the know. See how smart I am?]”
Thanks for saving me from this dangerous misinformation, I guess? I’m pretty…
To my chagrin, most free date calculators apparently won’t let you use numbers that big and I was stuck estimating the month on my own. Just set a calendar reminder to repeat every million hours or so and the 8100th occurrence should be it.
EDIT: I just realized I replied to the wrong person originally.
I agree completely yes lol.
I read something really interesting about the scale of numbers and how our tendency as humans to both round and abbreviate 8.1 B or 1 M masks the true disparity between those numbers.