More like Pooperintendent amirite
More like Pooperintendent amirite
Herb Alpert — Rise
He’s an outstanding alcoholic.
Bannon is terrible all around in everything.
The North Remembers
He doesn’t speak for me, my family or my wfe’s family. Or my neighbors. Or my coworkers, fellow Quakers and my drinking buddies.
We’re not all like that! In fact, most of us aren’t! Gerrymandering and retirees from Michigan are responsible for Rick Scott and Marco Rubio. Most of the hardest hit areas will be in blue places. Tampa, St Pete, Miami, Key West, Orlando.
“Fuck it, those reps do not speak for the whole of Texans,” and I made a cash donation to a charity
I real that the whole staff stayed to tend to 54 cats. That should tell you something about their mental state.
For those who weren’t able to evacuate—whether for financial reasons, threats to their employment, infirmity, age, or any other reason that might’ve kept them stuck in place—my sympathies, and hope that they’ll come through this as best they possibly can.
For those who chose to ride this thing out in some of the…
It sure is a mouthful! A mouthful of bullshit laden buzzword salad.
Cope with being stressed by getting more stressed? Yeah, that’ll combat burnout sure enough. Jesus. Even saying cope with stress by drinking it away isn’t as bad advice as this is, and that is pretty bad.
I doubt that trying to convince yourself that stress is a good thing is a long term solution for health and happiness. Short periods of stress like being nervous about a presentation, or standing up for yourself at work or at home are not the problem. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is a killer regardless of…
This just mage me lose my breath. Thank you.
Kitchens are inherently dangerous at all times and especially during a hurricane. Avoid kitchen machinery at all costs