Fox Fine

Well done. I agree.

You mean to suggest that the biggest Jew of the last 50 years did something that heinous and the American legal system just decided to turn a blind eye because dude made a few good movies and had a bit of money? Meanwhile, we’re killing black and hispanic men in the street on a daily basis. No. Thats not how it works

I’m hoping it’s “gene pool” diluted. That’s a far more clever insult.

That’s not true- I hate Stewart and Reeves equally.

She is the sole of this article because the media is inciting you to a contention you probably never would have held in the first place without their word pasta or visual cues.

You’re a twisted little cruller, and I love you for it.

Couldn’t make it in the club, huh?

It had to be- her concealer was working overtime to cover-up those poc-marks on her face.

What does being “liberal” have to do with this? Especially after the Duggar fiasco, it’s safe to say evil, creepy people are like God in the political sense- neither Democrat nor Republican.

Who cares- her career went down with the ship.

I’d hate to see that face without concealer on.

Yup, looks about right. Too bad we didn’t get a shot of the bride in her wedding cutoffs.

am I the only

No you’re wrong.

But still no BC for original XBox games? Hm...

Neither can Stephen, but he’s getting paid to do it. I mean, Blast Corps? Really?

Isn’t SMRPG on the Wii version of the VC?

I’m still holding out for a Nintendo version of Steam. I’m really over buying Nintendo consoles, but I do love their games. I just want to purchase, download, and play them on my PC. With my 360 controller. :x

If the Xbone was bc with original Xbox games, I’d be all over it. I still have my copy of the first Buffy game in hopes that one day I’ll be able to play it again.

And have for years, now.