Fox Fine

Awesome. Very E. Badu Return of the Ankh.

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I appreciate this video for a number of reasons, the title of it not being one of them.

Puzzles, Patrick... where are the puzzles? Said tombs of yore used to have puzzles.

a black protagonist and a late-60s New Orleans setting actually have me marginally interested in this one.

Right, but that was one show undoing the works of one movie.

Rest assured, it’s the same thing with video games.

I have seen many a gif today.

It took years and years and years for Dawn to grow on me, but now I love her. I still roll my eyes at the screaming and such, but her character is a lot better than I gave it credit for when I was younger.

“I owe you pain”.

And the many people that love her for it.



Nicki is an idiot. Sure, dude is wrong. But this is the only exposure we have to his injustice. We’re exposed to the terrible that is Nicki all the time.

It’s only your “being a fan of her antics” that make you “I dunno”. Step back, look at the thing of it, and identify it as is: bullshit.

Why be the bigger person when you can be the bigger troll? Isn’t that what society has been teaching us with the advent of the internet?

She’s not gross, just as terribly helpless as the many that made her famous.

A REAL Queen would have stood next to him and helped him peddle that mess without taking a cut, knowing more people would buy his shit just with her presence being there.

That’s because she it.

What, exactly, makes her a Queen?

Oh, I’ve got an artillery of these...