Fox Fine

Red tide season! Ride the tide!

Evil does love an audience, does it not?

Because you are human, and humans love to hold hope.

Between the hair transplants and the mixing of Viagra and Cialis, it’s a wonder the man isn’t just a sausage casing.

Saved me the time making it.

He goes after a group and more people like him.

He’s like the Amanda Bynes of politics.

I don’t like when art gets dragged sideways into controversy and gets “Dixie Chicked” on the flimsiest, internet-street-gang-rabble-incomprehensibility-burn-baby-burn bullshit.

I cannot believe this guy is Batman. Look at that dumb face.

Screw that- chesticles for testicles. I mean, both spurt milk...

Mine was Richard Gere’s in “An Officer and a Gentlemen”, or whatever it was.

No thanks, Bacon. Already seen it in Wild Things. To be honest, even then, I would have rather seen Matt Dillon’s. Kevin Bacon wants more cock in his life, huh? Smart man.

Not too much of that going around, so I cherish any celebrity that does so.

Awesome. Hope she shares pics, hope Jezebel covers it.

A Queen Among Us.

Well done. I agree.

You mean to suggest that the biggest Jew of the last 50 years did something that heinous and the American legal system just decided to turn a blind eye because dude made a few good movies and had a bit of money? Meanwhile, we’re killing black and hispanic men in the street on a daily basis. No. Thats not how it works

I’m hoping it’s “gene pool” diluted. That’s a far more clever insult.

That’s not true- I hate Stewart and Reeves equally.

She is the sole of this article because the media is inciting you to a contention you probably never would have held in the first place without their word pasta or visual cues.