
If memory serves me correctly, and it might not, lord knows I’ve drank enough today to kill a small elephant, I believe that Tomatoface started out as just another regular guy, wandering the cold streets of the internet in search of amusement...

That would make sense, wouldn’t it?

For a long time I thought Taylor Swift was like Janet Jackson. Then I realized that Janet Jackson wasn’t even as good as Mariah Carey and that Mariah is good but nowhere near as good as Taylor.

Good question, Chief Queef.

Well, people like Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown roam the streets at night, but so do cops. So, all in all I feel pretty safe. Hopefully we can exterminate all the cats pretty soon though.

Apocolypto was the last movie I saw in theatres. The subtitles bothered me so much. I also lost interest in movies more generally.

Ha. Another Pakistani. I can tell by your tone. Why are you so jealous of India? India really isn’t that great a country. Also, I’m not Indian so we can be friends.

I knew that cats were boring, stupid creatures but I did not know how utterly filthy they were. I’m learning a lot today, and I probably won’t sleep tonight.

Please understand that my trolling is for my entertainment only. If others enjoy that’s a bonus.

I saw that movie in theatres. What bothered me most were the subtitles. As if I didn’t have enough to do that day.

I’m hoping the nonsensical nature of your sentence was on purpose because I enjoyed it.

I have heard that nearly 83% of cats have “Feline AIDS.” I didn’t even know such a thing existed. Any idea on whether it’s true?

Were they? I didn’t know that but it makes sense.

It’s weird. Women love cats and men love dogs. Dogs are the smarter creature. What does that say about women? Probably nothing. Still interesting though.

If you look closely at his mugshots you can really see the Chinese. There’s an ancient wisdom in his eyes that is very reassuring. And if you take a look at his paintings it’s pretty clear he’s half Mexican, or Colombian. Very strong influence. I have a gut feeling there are traces of Indian as well but tough to say

My ex had cats. I had dogs.

On it.

Link? In my opinion he looks half Chinese and half Mexican, maybe Guatemalan.

Zimmerman was half Chinese, half Mexican and the neighborhood, while not the decrepit ghetto Trayvon was from, was not all that nice. Lower middle class. But again, light years nicer than Trayvon’s ghetto that was infested with gangs, drugs, and guns.