
I wonder if this will have unintended consequences. Movies are expensive to make and producers need to make their money back. Halle Berry is a name, she sells movies, she’s able to promote the film through interviews and promotions picked up by more major outlets thereby pushing people to see it, a picture can be

This is the best thing I’ve read!

???? Did everyone fail comprehension class? This was a funny jab at the absurdity of it all, it wasn’t serious call to do nothing. This was evidenced by her neurotic musing, the increasing cake eating...Oh fuck - do we really have to explain how comedy works? Fuck. Your mothers all loved you too much. 

Ah - yeah - agreed, they’re awful.

Ben Ray Lujan is from Santa Fe with a voting block of very devout Catholics. He’s right, winning candidates will reflect the ideals and views of their constituents. Democrats also believe in religious freedom and that means accepting candidates who hold deeply religious beliefs.

Hannah, the NY Post HATES the Clintons, Huma, and the whole gang. If you need proof, reread the BS articles they published during the election. I wouldn’t put too much stock in this story. Two “sources” for them are like the dry cleaning pick-up guy and a driver. It’s probably just co-parenting.

Totally agree, strange to read how so many people are bummed or upset, or offended. I mean, it’s an awards show for some of the luckiest people on earth! Like tamp it down, they’re going to be FINE.

I’ll tell you what’s woke. Me, to this site and how shitty it’s become. Not sure what happened after Gawker shut down but it’s been a constant, downhill stream of weak articles spawning the dumbest discussions. Bill Maher’s a monster, Katy Perry’s woke, apologize Karlie Kloss... almost every article is negative

Now playing

For the love of God - we have bigger fish to fry people. This in a nutshell is why nobody can stand liberal outrage.

I love this.

Democratic turnout was down in large part to the gutting of the Voter’s Rights Act. North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, New Hampshire - all had new restrictive laws in place for the 2016 election that limited polling locations and required ID’s. I am certain this made a difference.

My heart is broken. I remember being excited Hillary was running for Senate. I caucused for her in 2008 and 2016, I volunteered at the phone bank. I am nothing short of devastated. The injustice of it’s too much. Every time I think about it, I cry.

EOS is the WORST. However, the absolute, undeniable best is Caudalie Lip Conditioner for $9.00. Yes, it’s 9 bucks but it’s worth every cent and so much better than Chapstick or Burt’s.

My understanding is that these are not “Clinton” emails. They are from Huma, perhaps about Clinton, but not necessarily from her. This was a serious CYA move on Comey’s part. He testified before congress that the investigation was closed, if it came out after the election that he reopened it without letting them

It’s Katie Holmes.

Yes! Let’s totally perpetuate the idea that thin people don’t have any insecurities, that they never go through a dry spell, (especially after a baby) and all your problems just go away after you lose weight. Also, while we’re at it - why don’t they do one of those fun commercials where a now very thin lady is

Also - and again - hate Trump BUT the video cuts out where Ivanka and Trump did a cheek kiss. The lying and manipulation of people have to stop on both sides.

I hate Trump. But he was clearly saying Hello to someone else and Tiffany was due to greet him at the same time. Didn’t look like avoidance, she kind of did a “save”.

Wait - what article? Link!!