
HA! About six months ago my brother was at the house doing some work when my young son runs into the room with my pink vibrator rubbing it against his cheek, going “this feels great”! I screamed and it was so confusing (for son) and so fucking awkward for brother. DIED.

It was years ago - FYI, he got help and has been sober for a very long time but he def lost the love of his life.

A relative of mine lost the love of his life because he was an alcoholic. The straw that broke the camel’s back was an incident where he accidentally shut his daughter’s hand in a sliding glass door and because he was so drunk, he kept “opening” the door the wrong way, thereby adding to the injury by pressing harder

I loved The Switch - it’s the perfect Sunday afternoon re-watch, alongside Devil Wears Prada

The kid’s in the photo? He’s the f#*ing worst. Open marriage? Who cares, you can have the same damn relationship divorced and have a smidge of self respect. Huma, Honey - nobody is going to have respect for you unless you kick his ass out and quick.

And you are stunningly simple. Most people have the capacity to comprehend context, intent, and observation vs. judgement. By your logic, nobody would be allowed to comment on any type of physical or cultural attribute.

And......we’re in the grays. Hmmmm

Perspective: It’s her diary from 1979 - changing/editing this means readers are getting a washed and false view of her truth at the time. Her observations may be “dumb” but that’s for the reader to ponder and decide. It’s messed up that we live in a world where diary entries from 1979 have to be edited to be PC. I

That’s his dark, very English sense of humor - duh.

Live Nation - WTF - any Production Manager worth a damn would put black barricade FIRST - then 4' moat with security inside - THEN the regular venue railing. With a 10' or 15' drop you don’t have one point of fail.

Wait - What is a “vegan tattoo”? Is it like a carrot or something? On his calf? Do tell.

Just came here to say that the pre-Bravo special on LuAnn was riveting and I never knew how damn interesting she was/is.

This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.

No that was always on her friend’s instagram - not Tswift.

OMG yes - she’s talented, I am a fan but Daddy bought a big piece of her record label when she was 15, Big Machine Records. Make no mistake, the girl had a big leg up.

OMG- go to youtube and search Selena Gomez AMA Diary. Watch how she basically practices crying and how the media went nuts over how she got so emotional during her performance, and gasp, so did Taylor. So fake.

Like sex with your husband, it’s beautiful and intimate and oh so special between the two of you - but when displayed for yourselves or others to see (or hear), wholly unappealing and kinda gross.

She was 23

Completely hate myself for caring this much about this situation but I find it all fascinating. I admit I’m a fan of TS but everything in her life seems so orchestrated and calculated. I remember when she started hanging out with Haim and she was posting pic after pic with them, only to announce later they were

Can we please talk about Calvin Harris’ tweets!!! Please post about this. I’m dying.