Only 595 more posts to go!
Only 595 more posts to go!
I loved Gangsters when I was a kid. I would love for it to hew close to that.
Or they’re just standing there sweeping/zip-tying banners up/securing the location and watching it themselves.
I was part time just above minimum wage? I live in a part of the country that makes a point of recycling? Maybe they had it in the Dept’s budget to pay lab assistants but since there were no students over the summer they paid me instead? Maybe my friend’s mom was just trying to get me a job after dropping out? I dunno…
Now that you mention it, I think the brain tissue samples were sent to the incinerator. This was 13 or so years ago so some little details are trickling back into my memory.
Fuuuuuck that shit.
I shouldn’t be jealous of your blue urine.
Down the sink they were thawing in. As I remember it better I realized I put them all in the sink over the first week and it was the Monday of the second week when I came into them all thawed and ready to dump.
I immediately thought of this old vid:
Nah. Gloves.
5. Engineering students with pulleys maybe?
Lab assistant at the UW Dept of Pharmacology. This was also my first job at like 18. My buddy’s Mom was head of the Dept and needed help for the summer for a backlog of tasks they didn’t have the manpower for when school was out over the summer.
I wish I had video but about ten years ago I watched two rows of Raiders fans get into a 15-20 person brawl with each other at a preseason game in Seattle.
I’m crossing my fingers for a lil Pat Riley magic.
Cersei’s personal physician literally made a zombie with mad science in this story. I wouldn’t lean too hard on logic and science in a world of magic and dragons.
Qyburn+Wight’s Hand+Pregnant Cersei=Baby White Walker
Try out the albums Multi-Love or American Guilt by Unknown Mortal Orchestra.
I very drunkenly yelled, “Oh god. It’s like The Jonas Brothers were born in Aparthied South Africa.” during their set at a music festival once.
Build you house into a cliff side and snipe em for breakfast.