
Don’t be stupid,

Now playing

A bunch of kids stole a ton of TP from the potopotties and started some shit. Eventually the band joined in the TPing and Black Joe’s bass player hit me square in the nuts with a roll. It was silly and painful.

I wish it had that part too.

Now playing

I’m sorry officer. I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.”

Now, I never met his grandson but he seemed pretty sure that he didn’t have the fire.

Setting: My grandparent’s house in Waikiki.

You would have to be extremely arrogant and imbecillic to believe a 19 year old Chinese girl with 15 words of English would willingly choose blow you, a 76 year old man for a fraction of $50.

“The evil Keebler elf” Nonono.

I’d put Stevie Wonder - Innervisions with

Drunkship of Lanterns>Eriatarka>Cicatriz E.S.P. for me.

Living For The City> Golden Lady> Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder on Innervisions. UNTOUCHABLE GREATNESS.

Namor would never save 50 human children.

Universal owns Namor. Then again, they also technically own Hulk as well so I’m sure some kind of deal could be made.

Sufjan Stevens. The GOAT of making grown men cry.

I’ll do one for each Grandpa:

J-Dramas tend to be no fun for me. They’re often so dour and self serious. There was a one a long time ago I liked about a divorced murder detective. But it was mostly just him moping in his tiny grey apartment.

I’ll look for that, thanks.

I grew up watching K-Dramas with my Grandma. They are a special kind of insane. The Chinese and Japanese dramas just do not compare.

Side note: Everytime I see that album cover these days it looks like Gavin from “The Slo-Mo Guys” and Bill Hader made an Electro-Pop album.