
The tears on this website might be a close second. It’s a fucking football game, not a metaphor for the country.

That loss is 100% on the coaching staff. After that insane catch by Julio Jones the ball was on NE’s 22 yard line. All they had to do was run the ball three times, and kick the field goal. Time gets chewed up, they get a 11 point lead, and they are the ones celebrating. Kyle Shanahan continues to prove that he is in

Never let it be said the Falcons didn’t fight like Warriors.


A lot of star pitchers became terrible once Posada became their catcher. At the time it was frequently ascribed to being unable to handle the bright lights of N.Y., but maybe Posada was part of the problem. Is it really likely that Randy Johnson, Kevin Brown, Hideki Irabu, Javier Vazquez and a host of other All-Star

12 year olds rugby players know how to tackle properly. Its not hard at all, its just that these players have bad habbits.

I think Seattle has trained to use rugby style tackles so that players actually, well, tackle instead of using their heads as a bludgeon. But that takes practice, much easier to just go with the head.

“Tackle” football.

The fact that Ajayi’s shove of Dupree was judged equivalent to Dupree’s dirty hit on Moore is why the NFL is a joke.

Listen, if they wanted to know specifics about how things were run the person they should be talking to is the Specific Manager.

I read somewhere a while ago (like, a few years) someone saying that Rob is too emotionally labile to be a good head coach, but Rex is more even keel. Which is a bit of a shocking thought.

Because they can’t fire him retroactively.

Mark Sanchez.

I take consolation in knowing it was rigged.

Newt Gingrich was on the radio this morning saying that the phrase “drain the swamp” is no longer in use with Trump. It was just something that sounded good to crowds to get elected.

Locker room talk is given a free pass at institutions where a woman has set up an email server.

“We’re not having fun, we’re not enjoying any of this, it’s awful, and it’s hard,” Jared Goff said.

I often thought that what was hurting Bagwell more than anything wasn’t so much that people thought he used PED’s, it’s about how his traditional stats look in an era of PED’s. He was a guy who was hitting 40 HR’s a year when the league leaders were hitting 60. As a result, basically the only metric he doesn’t do very

Two things:

“This is a much better clubhouse than the White Sox. They know what’s important. Like, they let that fat kid hang around and wear a uniform and everything. The other Sox would never do that.”