
Yes and no (which is why it’s not a good question to ask on Twitter). You can’t bring in the prior conviction as a means to show that the defendant probably committed this crime as well (unless it’s to show that D has a particular habit). You can bring in the prior conviction to rebut D’s assertion that he’s a

Is this how the map really plays out, or are the Cleveland Indians forced to occupy just a small, less desirable area to call their own?

Carroll next to Bellichick? Wow that's harsh.

"I have full confidence in my teammates to execute that play because we had run it so many times."

It's also interesting as this disagrees with the Polygon review, The Verges sister site that actually writes about videogames.

Aaaaand I just realized that Fowler and Davis aren't the same guy.

Here's what I don't understand… especially even on Deadspin alone. Was the pass call a smart play? No. It wasn't.

To be fair, everyone in the world rushes to judgment, except for Pete Carroll, who passes to judgment, and is usually intercepted.

His starting point was right around where Doug Baldwin took his poop.

I keep watching it expecting the outcome to change.

Angering Drew enough to get him to write this, even though it physically pained him? I regret nothing.

Saying "a kid who shouldn't have even been there..." doesn't mean in that position on the field. In fact it means the opposite and is agreeing with your point.

Ok, fine. Fuck it. It's true.

A defensive play by an undrafted rookie, no less. Coaching up a kid who shouldn't even have been there to know exactly what was coming and put him in a position to win the Super Bowl speaks to the greatest coach in the history of the game.

Thanks for this, Barry. People are going to argue about the playcall forever, but Butler's recognition of the situation, his ability to learn from getting beat on the same play in practice, and most importantly his physical ability to jump the route are the most important parts of the play.

This is why we have sports, right here.

Leave it to a creationist to start making shit up.