Call me an optimist if you want, but the Electoral College should handle all this.
Call me an optimist if you want, but the Electoral College should handle all this.
Hot take:
Given your view on the usage of the quotes in the brand itself, does it seem like the cover is playing off that, or mocking it? It strike me as more towards the mocking aspect, which makes it feel like an odd choice for the magazine to make.
“Magazines” are supposed to have “editors” who’s “job” is to “review” decisions about “content” and might “attempt” to avoid “controversy” here, rather than explaining “art”.
The Speaker of the House does not have to be a member of the House.
Let me sum up the big picture:
I would love to see Espy reduce this to a referendum on racism.
He’s a professional. He’s not going to tip his hand until every last bit of this is lined up and ready to take them all down at once.
Which mascots do you think you could beat at their own sport? Even if a pro athlete is under the insanely hot vision-impaired costume, that gives an edge to you, right?
Anyone else a bit disturbed at how an official capital Statement uses twitter handle @ mentions instead of names/titles?
I’m cool with considering very important elections this early, but would like two sane checks and balances,
The more important coin flip stat should be correct calls by the team making the call. I want to know which team is the most psychic!
On the one hand... hold up a second, that was a pretty killer Giants team and they might have lost the Series anyways. (I’d have loved to have seen it play out, though.)
Seeing how often a DH gets put at 1B in an interleague game, you’re right.
JBJ covers enough ground for two outfielders, and JD does the job of two men at the plate.
Oh do tell us more! What’s the Story Morning Glory?
What are the odds the president pardons him?
You mean that thing with the chess board and the pieces from Connect 4?
1.e4 is like playing guitar; 1.d4 is like playing piano.