Hey, at least up here in Connecticut we can pride ourselves on NOT having a hockey franchise named after a natural disaster that just wrecked our state.
Hey, at least up here in Connecticut we can pride ourselves on NOT having a hockey franchise named after a natural disaster that just wrecked our state.
Yeah. Connecticut is a pretty cool place, but pretty much all of that coolness is located outside Hartford.
How have I missed this?
No commentary on the fact that after three exhausting weeks of playing Football, Carolina gets a whole week off?
This is one of the ”moderate” ones who has shown sympathy in that past. Blumenthal brilliantly maneuvered his own words against him. (Could be why he got so upset.)
He should be disqualified from sitting on this committee since he’s displayed clear prejudice against all liberal nominees.
Graham himself was a lawyer. So it’s a damn strange sentiment.
Can we get some attention to how Blunenthal (a Democrat) quoted Graham’s own words in support of victims? That’s a brilliant piece of chess playing.
The original reason was because it was part of the deal with Kennedy to promote his former clerk. That’s how his name got to the top of the list.
I don’t know what to think about Sale.
It’s so great we have all this to distract the judiciary committee from bringing up points about his lying under oath, hidden classified information, and suspect financial situations.
Now the only problem for the taxpayers is it looks like there’s nowhere to park.
You’re telling me that people who live there know how to distinguish the ones swerving to avoid obstacles from the rest of the drivers?!?
They could also give some consideration to the fact that in most examples a PAT doesn’t matter to victory. Philly-Tampa finished 21-27 instead 21-28, did that cost a kicker a job?
Plus the viral marketing they can expect from people talking about already playing it - it’s basically giving review copies to the people who pay in for the bigger edition.
I would think that if you can’t enter the game late and catch up, then the game is poorly designed.
I’m more worried about the ability to pay money for gameplay boosts.
The NFL wants this.
Wanted to make the same joke, guess you beat me to it.