
It occurs to me that you don’t see articles (here or elsewhere) about what’s on CBS this week. That’s probably because the network has mostly original content and what’s the point of free advertising for their network?

Those 48 victims signed in to play a PVP game. This guy simply played that game.

I see he’s the type of quality artist who needs to label his Obama caricature.

I’m quite confused by all this. What was the whole point of this interview?

A point about strategy...

You seem like the type of rational person who, when a terrorist drives a van into an outdoor cafe, will point to the speed limit signs.

annnnnd... watching this on the news. Maryland senator Van Hollen just used the words “thoughts and prayers” minutes after the anchors stated the police have not yet finished securing the scene.

Going to be especially odd to hear the empty thoughts&prayers for this one.

Have we reached the point of getting congressional thoughts&prayers while the event is still happening?

Comparing a current starter to a backup from 2016 doesn’t seem equal.

From a computer science perspective, how tough is it to secure a system like this?

Don’t think of it in terms of the action of presenting of ID.

on item 2, it was generally wrong. This is because it’s the President’s job, what he was elected to do for the following 4 years.

I’m sure he can do the math for one conservative white guy thrown to the wolves in order to justify his continued fictions about multiple other demographics.

I’m less concerned about actual doctors than what this opens up for other fraud opportunities.

The dosage is usually measured in mircograms, so 400 is, in technical terms, A WHOLE LOT. 10% more doesn’t seem important.

This could be related to him getting cut. All the time spent running a fentanyl smuggling ring is time not spent in a batting cage or reading scouting reports, and that will affect the ability to be on a big league roster.

Can somebody, anybody, please photoshop that jacket to read “LET THEM EAT CAKE”?  Please?

Even if it’s private security, they had lethal weapons at an art festival?

Off-duty cops simply joined in a gunfight?!?