Does this system involve superdelegates?
Does this system involve superdelegates?
Pardon a silly question here....
Facebook’s decision to insert themselves as a moderator in all conversations is indeed not causing the conflict, however it’s a great case of why Facebook fails at moderating.
At least he can be muted during highlights. There’s no way to turn off that goddamn box they draw on top of the catcher.
so what did they think when Wicket decided to befriend Leia instead of hunting her? Is this like people who keep pigs as pets? “You put your bacon on a leash? What’s wrong with you?”
It’s from the same universe that has masks that filter smoke but not toxins.... don’t try to figure it out, there’s no logic.
Forget trying to find the landing spot without a marker. There’s an area where a TIE crashed and set the forest on fire. That gives you some added light if your teammates can’t quite figure out the defensive circle formation. Then just make a short run for the landing zone when it’s time.
Will you argue that ketchup is non-essential? Because that would be problematic. :)
So the triathlon competition is this, Rock’em Sock’em Robots, and ... what’s the third part? Crossbows & Catapults?
Sales tax is just a burden on the proletariat.
Why not just get rid of the draft position that are in issue?
Maybe if a production so concerned with its own secrecy didn’t constantly dangle out bits of information during filming......
I completely agreed up until the First Class criticism.
I think that sentiment comes down to this:
I think you’re selling short the scene on the ship after leaving Edu. Where he’s all in doubt after deciding not to kill Galen and questioning what the type of soldier he’s been - his dialog in that scene is totally at odds with his body language, showing his conflicts. That’s what changes him, he just has to let it…
Isn’t the Republic supposed to have some sort of army?
The dad joke isn’t that bad if you remember there are 5 years of Clone Wars episodes. It’s very much in line with something a corrupted Anakin would say. I mean, look at all his dialog, the repressed snark he gives Krennic from the beginning of the scene, it all fits.
It’s wild to think that there was once a time when a comics publisher would leave the fate of one of the most popular characters in one of its most popular books up to fans like that
Well the jokes on them because this part of economics I understand pretty clearly: Supply and demand. There will eventually be an unlimited, free supply of all information they could broker once it’s all been hacked, so it will be worthless. :)
So to put this in terms of other technology....