
What are the stairs made of and/or coated with to create such slipperyness?

What are the stairs made of and/or coated with to create such slipperyness?

What are the stairs made of and/or coated with to create such slipperyness?

It’s not over because the decision to provide character progression by way of a random drop mechanic was TERRIBLE. And if they weren’t scraping for extra nickels from microtransactions they’d probably have come up with a better leveling system overall.

How much do you need to know about what you’re buying for it not to be gambling?

FWIW, I feel like any critcism I have about the game is something they could patch.

Is there a timeframe on that? Is there any policy in place on buying in-game items for a game that ceases to exist within, say, 2 weeks of the purchase?

Random question for someone who spent a lot of money...

Nope, but that was pretty early in the article to make that comment.

It is baffling (but not necessarily surprising) that this progression system exists.

I struggle to understand why someone paid millions of dollars to do their job needs a coach to “have” them in the first place.

and that feeling those people have is also valid and okay.

so when your average high school kid does something silly, but doesn’t have a hobby of running around a field with hockey sticks, what does the school board do for punishment?

If the owner of the billion dollar business you work for considers you an inmate you can be offended regardless of race.

They do get paid for playoff games, it comes from the league itself. It’s also a much smaller paycheck than their normal salary over 16 weeks.

The first down was off the top of my head and is maybe not the best option, since after all there are fans of the team who don’t want to see that.

Whatever the specific wording, the sentiment is not something a billion dollar franchise owner should be thinking about his employees. As soon as you replace “players” with “employees” the insanity is clear - imagine if a CEO said that, in either phrasing.

but this kneeling is only slightly related to the original kneeling. There was kneeling about police brutality, then about doing it to prove it could be done, and now it’s becoming a way to protest an idiot owner. We’re creeping closer and closer to the kneeling-cause-of-the-week.

How many other people currently in the NFLPA (on a roster or not) are currently suing the NFL and team owners? Because that would be a reasonable explanation.

My white person perspective: