Crazy Tom

I won’t be remotely surprised

As someone actively looking for a job where I can work from home, any suggestions on where to find these kind of jobs? Do y’all think companies will be more open to hiring remote positions during this time, or do you think they’ll still mostly be focused on in-person hirees?

“A Go-Go”


Man, this only re-emphasizes how crazy dumb the plot progression is that leads to Shadowlands.

I guess the Terminator model designed to fight space marines is called the T-40,000

The timing of seeing this article after watching Parasite earlier this evening and then reading about the Papin sisters is wild, man.

“aggressively sub-par”

What the FUCK, fucking Spanfeller

Do they do requests? Because I’d love to see them do something from Secret of Mana.

This. This is what this story is about.

Hello, any and every exec and design director who has sway over controller design, whether first-party or otherwise. As you can see from the ridiculous amount of replies this is getting, people want paddle buttons. Please, implement paddle buttons as part of standard design.

Thank you, and good night.

Man, imagine if Sony and Microsoft decided to implement system-wide button remapping instead of leaving the impetus on the game devs. Sure, the devs can implement it themselves, as well, but if the PS5 and Series X both came with button-remapping software built into the overall system framework, imagine the

If you can only program pre-existing buttons, what’s the use of adding new buttons? Like, genuinely curious, what are few examples of worthwhile remaps that y’all have done with something like this?


Congrats on making progress in your weightlifting routine! It’s tough trying to make it habit, so kudos to you for putting in the time and the effort.

Here’s hoping it picks back up with the energy and playfulness of the first few eps. Season 1 really divebombed as it went on. Also, not really all that stoked that we’re going to spend even more time on The Deep’s rapist-redemption story rather than actually focusing on the camaraderie of the title characters.

A+ article title

They do this here in America, too!

Lol, hot DAMN, the Indie GotY category is a toughie this year. Like, this is actually a very hard choice. They’re all so well done, I’m curious to see which comes out on top.

Now playing

(Bonus points if you catch this in The Boys)