Crazy Tom

Stardew Valley!!!!

Yes yes, this is neat and all, but are the two comedian fairies coming back??

It’s great stuff, my dude. I don’t get to play very much each week, and I enjoy the amount I get to do. The campaign is great fun, it’s a return to what made Halo great, and the endgame content respects your time by actually letting you progress.

Counterpoint to Yama and Saka: learning to wall jump is literally the most infuriating part of the game, and that’s all I can think of when I see the Etecoons. That, and their little song of horror that triggers the “Oh shit, not this...” response in me.

He’s talking about her huuuuuuuuuge
tracts of land.

I could seriously look at this stuff all damn day.

The moment Drunk Murphy Jenkins shows up in a book as the best damn monk the world has ever seen, I’ll consider the player character as something more than make-believe in the lore.

This is the exact reason why I feel like we need a Warcraft 4.

I find their method of familiarizing players with the Eververse kinda cringey. Like, mobile-game worthy.

I’m level 19, and I’ve received more free gifts from the Eververse lady than anyone else at the Farm. Each time, it’s for weird reasons like “Whatsername saw you being brave and decided to give you a gift,” then

I hope this is going to be good enough that people buy it enough that Nintendo will make more.

Please, HotS, find a way to give Li-Ming this skin and that sassypants walk.

Man, the hit detection was so wonky, but the “hit animation” issue could be gamed into your favor. Just use the healing water spell at the right moment when an enemy (specifically, the last boss’s global hit) was mid-windup and you could avoid all damage entirely.

I mean, I kind of meant it as “as full as it’s gonna get,” but sure, let’s have a semantics debate. That always makes things better.

I watched from a rooftop in downtown PDX! When it hit totality, I started howling, and the entire friggin city howled, too! It was beyond amazing! Just an entire city of folks screaming at the sky.

Lol, right? I’m watching this, the music gets all happy, and I’m all, “Yo, that one guy just fucking died!”


You got me, lol

Someone tell Yoko that the world is ready for another Viewtiful Joe.

Heeeelllll yeah! I’ve been watching this game since its first announcement, can’t friggin wait for it!

Sandy Ass Mother Fucker

He’s got sand in his jams!

They first had to distract the video games umpire, of course, and then apply extra torque to their video-game-maker-tools.