Jason don’t do this noooooooo!
Jason don’t do this noooooooo!
Tbh, if someone told me tacos are gross, I’d probably respond the exact same way.
Tacos rule.
Man, I want that journal.
Hey wtf how are you getting footage of me?
Awwww, Tina!
You guys, what if they make judges a thing with this expansion?
Just make bangaa a playable race! That’s all I ask!!
Well, for one reason, Patrick is gone. He was the resident From Soft superfan at Kotaku.
Yep. Don’t get me wrong, the moment-to-moment gameplay is fantastic. It feels good to play, addictively so, but the content runs out way too soon, leaving you with an empty feeling that there should have been more.
Same thing we always say about Destiny.
Same! They’re also simply amazing to browse.
A three-way battle of that would be siiiiiiick
Now do zerg vs. aliens!
Heather, have you tried Stardew Valley? Because you NEED to try Stardew Valley!
All of my friends dumped between 50-100 hours into it, then naturally decided it was time to move on.
Or they could take a cue from the HotS team and do both, like with Mecha Tassadar, Ghost Kerrigan, and Infested Tychus.
I love that this is a Christmas tradition every year!
This deserves to be at the top.