Reach was the best Halo, hands-down
Reach was the best Halo, hands-down
Someone did Xexyz! It’s too bad it didn’t get included in the NES Mini lineup, this game is rad!
Aaaaaand Ubisoft blacklists Kotaku again in 3... 2....
Blaine is a pain, and that is the truth.
And yet here you are. Welcome, to the DANGER ZONE.
Anybody else digging dude’s suit at the end?
Can we discuss how Blizzcon was almost entirely focused on esports this year?
Like, for folks who enjoy big tournies, it was probably pretty neat, but for those of us who were expecting things that we can actually play ourselves, it was a major letdown.
I’ve never heard of those but aaaallllriiiiight!!
But I will accept your humble suggestion.
Don’t forget about Sagaaaaaaa!!
Also, one requesting Stephen about when he’s going to make Dark Cloud 3.
Took you guys long enough!
Yeah! Where is it? I need to see more of Ozimov’s creations.
Cosplay weddiiiiiiing!! If they need villains to battle, I’m game!
Is that one on the right taller, or is this just an optical illusion?
“shit-tier trait”
I wish they would make them more distinct. Give me distinct tourney-specific logos and show how they play into the overall world-standings. Everything is one big blob of “these teams of children you don’t know are playing today”.