Crazy Tom

Points, points, and more bonus points for Totoro and Eleven. If only they were in the same piece! Eleven needs a Totoro buddy.

Also, her other stuff is pretty friggin killer.

The responses to the delay tweet are surprising. The overwhelming majority, while slightly bummed to have to wait longer, are very much on Capy’s side with this and are showing them immense support. With the way the internet flips out over the slightest mention of not getting what they want, you’d expect more vitriol.

Right? The straight-forward response means all the difference. It sucks that it’s delayed, but they’re honest about why, so you can’t blame them for it.


Yo Arny, is that you in the screenshot? You’re pretty much the only doge-with-a-knife person on the internet.


And The Lumineers!

Sounds like my kind of Saturday night.

Because it exists! And man, I dunno bout chu, but I’ve been hankering for some Eldritch horror.

This series is so refreshing. It’s the Eldritch-horror-ish series we’ve been needing for a long time.

That’s kind of the downfall of every monster movie of all time. When you see the monsters in broad daylight, they lose the creepy factor, especially when they’re full-cgi.

Just let it be Ricky Gervais so that he can call them all kinds of insults and do his high-pitched laugh right in their face.

Lol, that was perfect. And yeah man, it felt so good to land shots in MW2.

Oh my God. That would be an amazing show. Just nothing but devs dropping the banhammer on cheaters. I would watch that daily.

Man, Platinum would be the perfect studio to do a new Viewtiful Joe game.

Side note: Deputy Editor? Grats on the promotion!

Now playing

I thought this was the new Magikarp theme song!