Do iiiiiit!
Do iiiiiit!
Nooooo it’s a dragon and you can’t tell me nothin’!
Dragons can have feathers, too! And, aren’t birds pretty much feathered lizards with warm blood? So, if you make it a robot and take the blood temp out of the equation, can’t they become interchangeable?
I just really want it to be a dragon.
That’s a fucking robot dragon.
A game where you use a bow to hunt robot dragons.
This is good. Hear me out, y’all.
Ok, so, Warcraft is campy. It’s the most-standard of fantasy plots: humans fighting orcs. It’s based on a game that didn’t really have the most complex of storylines.
But, if they keep the franchise going, maybe, just maybe, they can get to a good storyline, or, more specifically:…
Does anyone else feel like the word “Defeat” in Korean looks like the computer just angrily splashed the word “Duh” but with an extra “h” across the screen? Like, “Oh, dhuh, of course you would lose. Get over it.”
Man, I love Carbot’s design for Starcraft marines. Their little onesie jammies are the best.
“Hold me like one of your French girls.” - cactuar
Come out of the greys, fellow Toon Link lover!
Hey bud, fellow grown-up-who-was-raised-in-bumfuck-nowhere-Tennessee here. Further credentials: it was east Tennessee, in the Appalachian region, back where we had to drive over half an hour to reach the closest Wal-Mart. I grew up growing tobacco all my life. While other kids got to go on trips or to the beach…
It’s filler, through and through.
Can we just talk about Sony’s orchestra?
Like, seriously though, how freaking fantastic was it for them to actually play as the soundtrack for some of the trailers?
RUBBISH. What hum-drum, tosh bollocks!
You found it!
Oh, yeah, whoops. I just remembered .hack and got a bit overexcited.
Oh snap! And what about .hack//sign??
Sword Art Online: The Call of Duty Version
So everyone gets a keyblade now?