Least favorite part about the movie: all the children in the theater. Like, hordes of them.
And, well, that feeling you get when something should be funny, but everyone is laughing too loud and too hard and it becomes... not funny?
Least favorite part about the movie: all the children in the theater. Like, hordes of them.
And, well, that feeling you get when something should be funny, but everyone is laughing too loud and too hard and it becomes... not funny?
TBH: Dude’s friggin ripped. Those muscles deserve all the awards.
Now to endlessly pick this apart to search for any hidden clues... You can never tell when Kojima’s speaking only at face value or if there’s something hidden underneath.
This would be a cool dance to add to a game with lots of rich, vibrant content where the developers weren’t the biggest enemy you face as a player.
Awww yeah! A-! Now to memorize more Billie Holiday lyrics...
Happy Birthday to us, you crazy fiend!
No freakin way! I share b-day’s with Mewtwo?? Best celeb birthday share EVER.
It’s amazing what immersion can do, even outside of just “enjoying the game.” WoW has a spot like that for me. I don’t always have my account up, so when I do reactivate, it’s usually been months or even years between times I had last played.
- Chris Priestman wished games encouraged you to sit and take things in.
I would, too, actually. I enjoyed the Fable games and was pretty disappointed to see that the newest game in that universe was going to be a weird PVP-only game.
“But we’re the real victims here!” - Pirates justifying their behavior.
Whenever you see a game’s trailer quote Kotaku, do you ever go, “THAT’S ME!! I said that!! Guys, guys look! I said that!!”?
I still think it’s silly that you can transfer characters from PC to console. Like, I get why cross-play between consoles isn’t going to happen, too many feuding bureaucrats for that to ever be a reality.
“Hey Sweetie”
Fuck you, man.
Ahhhh, I didn’t realize he was the maker of Braid. My B, dawg. *open mouth, insert foot*
Tell him it’s not about “who will win.” That’s too basic, too simple for what this show is going for, it’s so much more than that.
In all honesty, with the way the industry rolls these days, I’m surprised the game actually became a reality. It feels like a miracle to me that an obscure indie game was given the freedom like that of a AAA title to push back its release for half a decade. A big thank-you to those who had monetary stakes in this game…
I’m a sucker for beautiful pixel art, it just leaves so much more room for the imagination. Pixel art gives you the groundwork and lets your mind take it from there. It suggests what you should see rather than outright tell you what it has to be.
Anyway, long story short, yeah. I agree.