Crazy Tom

Need moar swoards.

More like Zultan Cool. That’s a rad haircut, Cloud would approve.

So, I can’t find anything anywhere about the Titan knight helmet that Bungie uses in all of their screenshots. Any word on what that gear set is and how to obtain it?

This makes me really want to have David Hayter sitting next to me acting the part of Snake as I play MGSV.

If they sell “Increase Drop Rate” consumables instead of actually fixing the game’s RNG, I’m out. I really don’t feel like paying to play Gambling Simulator.

It’d be a bit extra work, but how cool would it be if you could see the devoured character inside of him?

Gig ‘em?

Hooooow about as a new avatar at this very moment?

Dude, LoL’s updates are so great. They’re making a nearly 6-year-old game fresh again.

What really makes me happy about this patch: the fact that they actually go back and polish animations for the older set of purchasable skins. They honestly didn’t have to do that. When people bought the skin, they specifically paid for what was, at that time, being offered. It’s really cool of Blizzard to go back and

Ol’ Goddy-Z putting on some pounds, I see. Just makes him cuter.

Hunters also caused issues back in the day when pets could face-pull mobs. If a hunter had a pet out, it could accidentally pull other groups by attacking the hunter’s target, or when the party took an off-road route causing the pet to run a mile around the instance to catch up.

The train of mobs they brought with them

I really want a “rest” function for this game, something where you do a certain keystroke and your character sits. Not just “crouch” where the camera goes down, but sits. His/her legs extend out in front, arms resting on the knees, and you breathe. Let the ambiance pick up a bit and just experience the world you

What a cool concept for a typing game!

U KID ME? I want that titan helmet. Fuckin want it. So bad.

Wow, this gif is neato!

If only I could be so gloriously incandescent!

AND THEN HE RESETS THE GAME HIMSELF. He’s all “Y’know what, fuck it, and fuck you. BAM. Reset.” When you turn the game back on, your villager has a crazy hollow expression on their face, like they just saw the eyes of Cthulhu.

You should post more! I want to watch!

Jera reminds me of the Mother boss from Turok 2.

Also, it feels like Demon’s Souls has started a new niche genre of super-hard fights forcing you to die and try again. Or, maybe it was Ninja Gaiden that started it.