Crazy Tom

Cool, I looked a little into the spiritbond stuff when I saw it was a stat. When you say to sell the materia, do you mean to any vendor, or the auction house? Are they useful for crafting, or are they specifically for making more money?

Cool, literally just hit lvl 10, thanks for the tip.

Also man, you’re getting me excited here, lol.

Can I, as a monk, cherry-pick tanky/evasion abilities from other classes and be a monk tank, even though it’s a dps class?

Ahhh, ok, so when looking into what I can gain from other classes, do a bit of research on what passives work best for me, right? Or are active abilities good, too? Actually, is it even possible to us a different class’s abilities without their designated weapon? Can a monk use lancer abilities?

Also, as a monk, I want

Do you think focusing on crafting at low level will slow things down? I’ve avoided crafting skills simply because I didn’t want to get bogged down in farming while testing the free trial.

Also, when do I get a chocobo? I want a chocobo. Rul’ bad.

Hah, coming from WoW to this, I can def say I think the hotbar system is really cool. What’s the smartest thing to consider when setting class-changes in the hotbar? Like, emergency self-heals in the heal class, elemental magic for enemies weak to it, etc?

So buy one weapon for each class? That’s how the class-change system works, correct?

Should I level up each class, or just have the weapon so I can change to them? And, I guess, should I do the Hunter’s Logs for all classes, or just focus on my main?

Hah, this is fun. I love when devs play around with faux projects.

Btw, just started the free trial for FFXIV to try it out. Any tips for things you guys wish you’d known when you started? (Seasoned MMO vet, btw, so general MMO stuff is second-nature).

Same with the Scott Pilgrim g-novels. A lot of the scenes used in them were from real-world locations. It becomes a treasure hunt to go find these places in real life!

Lol, what if this was a way for Kojima to inadvertently help Dr. Canavero?

Man, those assassinations are beautiful. They’re so smooth. Someone should put them to some smooth jazz.

Why Raph, whyyyyyyy??????

Must’ve been leaked.

Personally, I’d be all about a IX remake before any of the others, but gaaahhh, this could have opened the way! VII is the fan-favorite, so let it pave the way to allow remakes of the other greats. Plus, a remake could give them the opportunity to fix what wasn’t too hot about it.

I do have to admit, the noise they made was pretty satisfying.

His dongle is bigger than yours.

“She kept calling me things like, ‘dickbag,’ and ‘spawn of incestuous pit demons.’ If she can’t hold an intelligent conversation, her viewpoints must be wrong and mine must be right.”

I’m waiting for the ones to get pissed about Miller (runner 390) being evil and censoring Semple as he tries to fairly express his side of the argument.

Yeah man, that’s my main argument for adding Fenix, too. The only other worthwhile option would be an Ultralisk, but since Kerrigan already has one for her ult, the biggest badass of the Protoss race would fit that role perfectly.

Also, I’m extremely interested in the tiny bits of dialogue he would have with his best

“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”